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When it was time for dinner, the four Wayne boys had been sent to collect all the guests for dinner. They had been a bit surprised to hear the news that they were housing a house of foster kids until their home was re-built, but they quickly got over it. So they each took two of the eight rooms being used, and got all the occupants from the room out and down stairs. 

Jason had been the one who got the last two rooms, meaning he was the one who had to go and get Jackie, and Penny. He knocked on Jackie's door, and once she opened she revealed that she had changed from the school's uniform to a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt. She said hello, and followed him to Penny's room. He knocked on Penny's door, but after a few moments nothing happened. Jason knocked louder, and still nothing. He looked to Jackie, who laughed nervously.

"She's probably doing homework or something."

Jackie's hand latched onto the door knob and she swung open the door. She was right, Penny was doing her homework. All her homework was all over the floor, and in the middle of the papers, sitting cross legged is Penny. She has a pencil in her mouth, and another pencil in her hand. 

"Yup, homework."

Jackie walked into the room, stood right in front of Penny and snatched the paper she was working on out from under her. Penny gasped and looked up to see Jackie holding her paper. Jackie looked super confused, which meant Penny could easily get the paper from her. Penny jumped up and snatched the paper from her hands before Jackie could try to get it away from her.

"Why's you take my homework?" Penny asks putting the paper back on the ground.

"It's time for dinner, and you were ignoring the knocks of Jason," Jackie says crossing her arms.

"Who's Jason?" Penny asks, following Jackie to the door.


A boy with black hair, with a white streak running through it stands right outside the door. He smiles at her, and she does the same. He walks passed them, and the two girls quickly follow.

"Sorry, I was just super focused on my homework," Penny explains.

"Yeah we know, also what the heck was that? We're in the same grade and what you were doing looks super complicated," Jackie says.

"Oh, it was just some Calculus equations. Mr Stecker gave me some extra credit problems since I did the actual homework during class." 

"Are you learning Calculus?" Jason asks, butting into the conversation.

"Not exactly. Technically I'm doing that next year."


Penny laughs, and the conversation dies down. They didn't think to introduce themselves, so there wasn't any conversation going on. The three caught up with the rest of the kids when they got down the stairs. It was there that Penny saw the three other black haired boys that she doesn't know. Wow. Does Bruce Wayne have a fetish for boys with black hair? Penny of course didn't say this, she almost did to Jackie, but didn't when they all found themselves in the dinning room, all trying to get a seat they want. Most of the kids decided that they didn't want to sit next to the Wayne boys, so they all took seats at the other end of the table, and next to the Jefferson's. Penny though wanted to get to know these boys, they seem interesting, so she sat herself next to one that she didn't know. He didn't really pay any attention to her, which she didn't really mind. She just talked with Daphne who sat next to her. 

Then when they were all seated, Alfred put everything down on the table, and everyone started to dig in. Everyone served themselves, or got served a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Before anyone could eat though, that's when Mr Wayne started talking. 

"Well, since we're all here, I would like everyone to introduce themselves. Just say your name, age, and what your favorite thing to do is. I'll go first. My name's Bruce Wayne, and I actually like going to work for some reason."

"My name is Alfred Pennyworth," says the older man wearing a suit.

"My name's Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick. I'm 16, and my favorite thing to do is... trapes," says the boy with black hair and blue eyes.

"My name's Jason Todd, I'm 17, and I like video games," says the black haired boy with the white stripe in it.

"My name is Damien Wayne, I am 14 years old, and I like to collect swords," says the boy with black hair and green eyes.

"I'm Tim, well Timothy Drake. I like computers and I'm 15," says the boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"My name is Jackie Lawrence, I'm 17, and I like learning how to do different hair styles."

"I'm Daphne Richards, I'm also 17, and I like to learn how to different make up looks."

"My name is Caroline Smith, I'm 10 years old, and I like swimming."

"I'm Laila Connors, I'm 12, and I like to read."

"I'm Suzie Johnson, I'm 7, and I like coloring."

"I like coloring too! My name's Giuliana Casino, and I'm also 7."

"I'm Gian O'Riley, I'm 15, and I like to play baseball."

"I'm Jack O'Riley, am also 15, but I like football."

"My name's Tyler Andrews, I'm 12 years old, and I like doing magic tricks with cards."

"John Jason, I'm 10, and I like origami."

"I'm Thomas Peters, I'm 6, and I like to play tag."

"I'm Mrs Carla Jefferson and I like pool."

"I'm Mr Steve Jefferson and I like to watch any kind of sports game."

Then lastly, it was Penny's turn to introduce herself. "My name's Penny Parker, I'm 16 years old, and I like photography and science."

Before Bruce could tell everyone to dig into their food, Tim spoke up about the events of the morning. More specifically the events where Alfred almost hit Penny with the limo, and where the boys were watching her. "Wait, Penny... Weren't you the one who Alfred almost hit with the limo this morning?"

All eyes fell on Penny. "Uh, yes."

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