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Disclaimer - These brilliant ideas belong to James Dashner and his master of a mind...what? *four taps in the background* 

A/N - Hey guys in case you didn't realize I changed the title from "It's A Girl..." to "The Glitch". Hope you guys like that... (thanks to @Thalia_Prior for the suggestion btw :))

Autumn's POV 

        "I'm following you and the Greenie around today, and you get to deal with it." I spoke in a sing-song voice to Newt. If I'm not allowed to run (again...rude) then I'm going back to my automatic default mode and just annoying the world. 

        "Really?" Newt raised an eyebrow at me and gesturing for us to join Chuck, who was standing very uncomfortable looking against a tree. Chuck kind of had that look of fear a person gets when uncontrollable klunk is about to happen, I stifled a laugh and sat next to the kid. 

        "Hey Greenie." The boy tensed up and scooted away slightly. "Aw come one, I know I'm not that scary." I leaned forward to make eye contact with Chuck. "Want an apple?" I held up an apple I had brought from the kitchens. He looked at me and gave a small nod, curly hair flopping slightly. 

        "Right Greenbean, so me and apparently this shuckface too," Newt leaned over to chuck and put his hand up in side comment sort of way and spoke to only Chuck, but with the intention of me hearing. "She's not supposed to be here but she bloody injured herself." 

        "Oh so that's what we're telling people now," I put a look of mock surprise on my face and mimicking Newt's hand gestures said to Chuck, "I actually got stabbed." His blue eyes widened and I pointed to my back. Chuck hadn't said much, well haven't heard him say anything besides his name yet... although I overheard a Gladers conversation that he was crying...poor shank. 

        "Well I didn't want to bloody scare the kid, thought he'd klunk himself again." Newt shrugged and I pushed him. 

        "Don't be so shucking mean." This earned me and small little grin on Chuck's face. I smiled at him and he seemed to have finally found his voice. 

        "You two are so together." 

        I stopped mid-movement and let my jaw become unhinged. What...

        "We're not bloody together Chuckie." Newt said moving away from me, widening the space that was closing just before. I shook my head violently, hair flying in all directions. Chuck just nodded at the both of us, an evil little smile forming on his lips. 

        "Okay...sure." Of course he was sarcastic too. Why not, the Glade might as well just be a central meeting place for sarcastic little buggers. Maybe that's why we were all sent here. The world was being overwhelmed by sarcastic teenagers so the Creators put us in a giant Maze...that's definitely the reason. 

        Newt explained that Chuck got to try all the jobs until they found one that stuck. Chuck had gone on the tour yesterday so we just sat with him and ate breakfast. The kid was still scared out of his pants, but he was starting to warm up to the place. He could be a little annoying at times, (then again so can I...) but I felt like he was a younger brother that I needed to protect. I mentally added Chuck to the list of people I need to get out of this shuck Maze. 

        Two months...I had only been here for two months. It's hard to believe some of these boys have been here for two years. I hadn't really put my brain to the task of getting us all out yet, I don't know was a kind of feeling. A feeling like I already knew the answer and that I was repressing it because  I didn't want to go back. I don't know why I don't want to go back though... I was crying once, but I don't know the reason. I had got what I came for really, so why didn't I want to get out? 

        It just feels like I have all the answers, I have memories, I got in through the Maze so obviously that meant we could get out...why didn't I want to investigate? To dig deeper until I learned every secret about this shucking place? I think the answer is because I'm happy here. I'm happy. I have friends, we are safe (mostly), we have food and I am happy... But we have to get out. I know we have to get out. We can't stay here, we were put here with one task; to find a way out. If we didn't do that then what's the point of it all? We have to get out. 

Briar's POV 

        They wouldn't kill me. The Grievers...they wouldn't sting me, wouldn't tear me to bits, wouldn't just let me die. Why? Why wouldn't they let me die? I deserved to die, I killed Autumn. I stabbed her...right in the back. I shuddered at the memory of it. I knew I would have to do something soon, a human can only last for so long without food and water. The voice, the evil voice that had made me stab her hadn't made an appearance for three days. Exactly how long I had been in the Maze for. 

        I stumbled down another corridor. Everything hurt, my skin was scratched and bruised, my clothes torn and my muscles weak. I coughed and spit, but continued walking. Where was I supposed to go? I couldn't go back to the Glade, they'd send me right back out here and if not I'm sure Newt would murder me himself. I stabbed her. 

        A shudder ran through my body, it was getting to that time when I couldn't tell if it was from cold or remorse. It was probably both... I limped until I turned another corner, I was not a Runner, I had no idea where I was or how to get back. My body wasn't at its peak, mine was dying. Horribly, slowly and I realized I didn't want to die. Not now, not like this. I wouldn't die if that's what I'm meant to do. If all I was sent to do was to kill her and then die, I wouldn't do it. I picked my head up, squinting into the darkening sky. That's when I heard it...the voice, but this time it was different. It was a girl. 

        You have to find the Cliff. Briar, you have to find the Cliff and you have to trust me. 

        I came to a halt, leaning against the cool stone of the Maze. Why was it a girl now? How could I ever trust them again...they're inside my shucking head! But there was something about her voice, it was soothing and calm. She seemed full of genuine concern and I felt a small flicker of hope burning in the pit of my stomach. This spark pushed me, pushed me to limp along until I found it...the Cliff. 

        A corridor that just simply ended. Receding into nothing but sky and stars. There was no ground far below, it was impossible and I could't help but feeling vertigo as I stared out at the empty space. 

        Now jump. 

A/N - Whoa...what? 

Also guys I'm onto season 4 of Teen Wolf and season 3 was very not okay, especially right here *points to heart* 

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