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Disclaimer - The character's and thoughts and basically all the genius is because of my friend, (I wish) James Dashner :) 

Autumn's POV 

        Everything felt wrong. That would probably be because everything was wrong. My limbs wouldn't move — actually nothing would — and there was searing pain everywhere. This was how I...I suppose you could say I 'woke up'. I didn't actually, my brain woke up, but not my body. At first I felt like this is what it would be like to be one of those coma patients that can hear and feel everyone around them but couldn't wake up. I thought, Hey, maybe getting stung isn't so bad. Then again those were my thoughts before everything happened. And if I thought things felt wrong then...

        I had been trapped in this stupor of pain for a few hours, it could've been more or maybe less. My body clock was never that great at functioning anyways. It was just blackness, not like the kind of blackness that is rimmed with red when you close your eyes, or like the kind of blackness where little stars start to appear. This was just blackness, blackness with a great deal of pain. It was dark and I couldn't move, yet somehow I managed to feel like I was being forced to roll around in a pit filled with used medical needles. Not the best feeling in the world. I was in the middle of a particularly you could say, when I heard someone.  

        I heard the sounds of floorboards creaking, and the shuffled steps that you are forced to take when you are in the medical room. I wanted desperately to be able to open my eyes, or to shout, really just to do anything, but I just couldn't. I heard the soft scratch of wood against wood as my unknown visitor pulled a chair over to my bed. At least I assumed it was for me...was there anyone else here? I heard a sigh by my left ear. If I was able to have perked my ear up that is exactly what I would've done, but seeing as I couldn't I just imagined it for my own pleasure. The pain hadn't subsided but I was doing my best to ignore it. 

        "What have you done now greenie?" I heard a voice ask. The voice. It sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. I felt a warm hand pick up mine and squeeze, I willed myself to squeeze back but my hand just wouldn't listen. It was as if my brain had become unattached from my body. The hand in mine became slack and then it left completely. 

        "Get better okay." the voice demanded, more then asked. It made me need to get better. I just had to. Suddenly the pain increased and I felt a scream escape my lips. 


        I had blacked out. If that was even possible. How can a person black out of a black out? Now that's just unfair. Despite how ever unfair it was it happened, my brain shut off once more and I had no idea how much time had passed since my unknown visitor had come. Had it been minutes? Days? Hours? 

        Something flickered into my mind, giving me zero time to contemplate that thought. Something just happened. I could tell my eyes weren't open, I wasn't awake... The image sharpened and I was forced into what I thought was a dream. 

        I was standing on a fixed point, observing a city as it flew by me at high speeds. My hair was long, longer than it is now. It is whipping out to the right of me, the way the scenes sped by. I saw a city, but something was wrong. There were no people. And then there was, all of a sudden. It was as if it was a video that had been cut and then re-attached, with all the in between taken away. However there was something about these people that was wrong. It wasn't just that they were all outside in ruined clothing, with messy hair and visible scratches that was wrong. It was that they smiled. They all had beaming smiles that emanated pure crazy, like they were enjoying being cut up and homeless, it was like they enjoyed behaving like a savage beast. It was that that terrified me, and sent a chill straight through to my bones. I knew at that moment I would never forget their terrible pearly white smiles. 

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