My Job As A Med-Jack

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Disclaimer - I do not own any of the characters (except Autumn) or ideas because my brain is not as flawless as James Dashner's. 

Newt's POV 

        I definitely didn't plan to wake up how I woke up this morning, that's for sure. 

        "Ow..." I muttered as I felt a sharp kick in my calf. I opened my eyes to find the bright sky instead of rotting planks above my head. What? I thought to myself. I turned to see what shank decided to kick me. It was Minho. I opened my mouth to ask him why the bloody hell I was asleep outside, and why he decided to play a fun game called kick Newt, but I felt something stir next to me. I propped myself up on one elbow and was surprised to see Autumn. She was curled into my side and still fast asleep. I turned to Minho, back to Autumn and back to Minho once more. 

        "Wait no!" I whisper yelled at Minho, who's face had broken into the biggest smile I ever did see on that bloody shank. "No, it's not like — we weren't — I just. Minho!" I carefully managed to detach myself from Autumn without her waking up and was now currently glaring at Minho. He had obviously just woken up, his usually spiky hair was sticking up at all the angles imaginable and he still had some sleep on his face. He still hadn't said anything to me, he was obviously just enjoying torturing me. 

        "What do you want shuck face?" I asked, looking down at his still smiling shuck face. 
        "So…" he said dragging out the 'o'. "Is Newt and Autumn a thing now?" Minho sounded like a shucking middle school girl! 

        "No! It is not!" I argued back. We were both still whisper yelling at each other because Autumn was asleep on the ground. 

        "Sure it isn't," Minho stated with a smirk on his face. "Well wake her up because we gotta go." 
        Shoot! I had completely forgotten about running today. I watched as Minho started to walk off towards Frypan's kitchen to pack his lunch. Once he was gone I knelt down beside Autumn. She looks really cute while she's sleeping… Wait what? Well I mean how could she not? The way her auburn hair falls down the side of her neck, over her shoulder and back, I could also see all her freckles and well they were adorable. No stop. Just wake her up and stop thinking it about!

        I placed my hands on her small shoulders and gently shook her. 

Autumn's POV 

        I felt something shaking me awake. I was awake but still had my eyes closed, I didn't know what was happening and maybe keeping your eyes closed isn't the best way to avoid possible danger, but I panicked. 

        "How heavy of a sleeper are you greenbean?" I recognized that belonged to Newt. He had said that more to himself than to me, as he happened to believe I was still asleep. I opened one eye and looked up, his face was above mine, the hints of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. 

        "Ew, what time is it?" I groaned groggily, whilst sitting up. I had been laying in grass, odd. Why...then the events of last night replayed themselves inside my head. Had I fallen asleep out here? Had Newt fallen asleep too? These thoughts were running through my head as Newt spoke. 

        "Time to get up," this time a smile did break out onto his face. 

        "What?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow in a confused manner. "Why are you smiling?" I put the emphasis on the word 'smiling'. He bit his lip and smiled at me again. 

        "Have you seen the state of your hair, greenie?" I stood up next to him. 

        "No," I paused before adding, "But I bet you love it." Newt smiled a little more at this before he told me that he had to get to work and that today — before my runner job that no one knew about — I would be working with Clint and Jeff. I said a quick goodbye and headed towards Frypans. 


        After a quick breakfast, and a hasty explanation to a Glader, whom I assume is Zart, at where I was last night, I set off to my first attempt at any job other than running (And well Frypan's, but in I didn't do much. In my defense he is quick territorial about his kitchen.) 

        The Med-jacks didn't actually have a building for their own, they worked in one of the upper rooms of the Homestead. Actually, I haven't even been inside the Homestead yet... I thought to myself as I walked through the door. 

        The homestead was a roughly made building, that had been built onto — it looked like every since it was put here. I wondered if the building was here when Alby got here...  I saw some boys just waking up and others getting ready to leave. I noticed that the stairs had a few boards missing here and there so I made a mental note to be cautious up while I was up here. 

        I wandered along the second floor. There was only a few rooms up here and I wasn't exactly sure which one I was supposed to be in and which ones I wasn't. I decided to try the first door on the right. I looked around, no one else was on this floor with me, so I walked up to the door and knocked. There was no reply. I pushed the door open and peered inside the room. It appeared to be a bedroom, there was an unmade bed in the corner and a few clothes scattered around the floor. Other than that the room was mostly empty. The next room was the same, a half full bedroom. That left me with the last door. 

        I walked over to it, narrowly missing one of the holes in the floor in the process, and knocked. This time there was an answer.

        "Come in," I pushed open the door that lead into the biggest room on this floor. It had two beds, spaced a little apart, a bunch of cabinets and a few chairs. This was obviously the Gladers "hospital.  Inside the room was two boys; one with dark blonde, almost brown hair and the other a dark skinned boy with curly hair. 

        "Um hi, I'm Autumn." I said extending my hand to the dark skinned boy nearest me. 

        "Jeff." he responded, shaking my hand. "And this shank is Clint." he gestured to the older looking boy standing behind him. He looked slightly familiar...he was at the Gathering! 

        "I'm here to be a..." I lacked the word. 

        "Med-jack?" Clint offered up. I pointed at him and nodded. 

        "A Med-Jack for the day." I clapped my hands and asked, "So where do I start?" 


        It was official. I had a very strong disliking for the Med-jack occupation. It was boring, no one came in today and nothing exciting happened. Clint mostly just told me how being a Med-jack actually works. For example: Gladers get hurt and then they try to the best of their (limited) abilities to asses the injury and then they try to heal you. Not really the exciting lifestyle I had imagined that the Gladers had... 

A/N - Hi, so first of all high five to you if you got my Ed Sheeran reference. Also bear with this story, (I know this chapter was boring) while Autumn gets used to the Glade and runs through the jobs. I promise it'll get exciting once she meets with Minho :) 

Thanks for ready, please vote, if you want I mean I'm not forcing you or anything...please 

The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz