I Found You

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Disclaimer - my brain is not as cool as James Dashner's and will never be able to reach his level of coolness so to compensate I made up a character and shoved it in his book :/ 

A/N - Hey guys so I'm going away this weekend (It's Canadian Thanksgiving) and we are going to my grandma's and she has no wifi...*shudders* So sorry about the lack of updates this weekend...

Autumn's POV 

        I was pulled out of the memory once more and thrown back into the unknowing darkness. This time the pain really did seem to be subsiding. My breathing was steady and I felt so ready to just open my eyes. I wanted to wake up so bad. Focus. Maybe if I can just move something again. I was trying desperately to move my fingers when I was interrupted by a lot of sounds. 

        "What shucking happened to the shank?" I couldn't place the voice. It's funny, you never really realize how much you need faces until you don't have them. 

        "He jumped off the top of the shucking wall, that's what!" Who? Who jumped off the Maze wall? These thoughts ricocheted through my mind as I listened to the conversation. 

        "Why's the shank not flat as a Frypan's pancakes then?" It sounded like Clint. I heard the pair laying someone down in a bed beside me. Why won't I wake up?

        "His leg got caught in the ivy." This person was still breathing heavy, like they had carried the jumper back. "Shuck." I could hear him begin to pace. He was light on his feet and his pace was quick, only a Runner...Minho. It was Minho! Then who jumped off the shucking wall?  

        The other guy — who I guessed was Clint — began to talk again, "He hit his head pretty hard, and his leg's gonna be shucked up...but he'll live." 

        "That's the problem. The slinthead doesn't seem to want to." Minho's voice was heart shattering. I had never heard someone sound so sad in my life. I pictured a concerned Minho standing anxiously over the unconscious person in the other bed. 

        "Right...er, someone should probably watch him then. Until he's better." Clint offered up a suggestion. Wake up! I screamed to myself. 

        "Well if that shank wasn't still sleeping." I deducted that Minho had pointed at me. But I'm not! I'm here! I just can't move! Why won't I wake up?! 

        "Yeah it's weird that she won't wake up. Nothing's wrong with her." Well that's good to know, I suppose... 

        "Why'd you think he did it?" I wasn't sure if Clint was asking Minho or himself so I just waited. Well really what other choice did I have. 

        "Not sure, a lot of reasons probably." Minho answered. Who was it? By know my mind had gone absolutely insane. All this not knowing and not moving and not seeing was really getting on my nerves. All I wanted to do was open my stinking eyes! I mean, is that too much to ask for? 

        "I'm gonna tell Alby, I don't think he knows yet...he'll be upset that his Second In Command's out..." SECOND IN COMMAND! It was Newt! No, no, no, NO! Wake up! WAKE UP!  


        My eyes fluttered open. I was not in the 'hospital' of the Glade. I was standing outside a building. I was in another memory! No! I need to wake up! I need to find Newt! 

        The burning sun reflected of the spotless, tinted glass of the building. I walked into the building, pushing open the door to reveal a very sterile looking environment. Everyone was busy rushing around, attending to computers and calls, pushing around trolleys filled with papers. Not me. I walked straight through the business area, ignoring the security guard completely and pointing to myself. Was I wearing a badge? I walked steadily not too quick, but with a burning passion to reach my destination. 

        Time skipped and I was in a basement. The basement was very different from the rest of the building. It had no windows, paint chipped cement walls and some old storage. I was not alone. There was a boy here, someone who looked very familiar...it was Newt. He looked a few years younger than he was now and he had a very solemn expression on his face. 

        "I'm so sorry Autumn." He wouldn't look at me. 

        "You're going in aren't you?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. 

        "I have to. They wouldn't take no for an answer." He was still avoiding my eyes. 

        "I know. And I'm going to get you out." 

        "No you aren't. You're going to stay here because I won't even remember you and I won't let you risk your bloody life for me! Not again..." his voice faded out at the last part. I took a hesitant step closer before completely embracing him in a hug. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I knew that this was the last time we ever saw each other. 

        "Goodbye Autumn." He pulled away and walked past me. Out the rotting door and away from me. When he was out of earshot I said, "No, I'll find you." 


        My eyelids flew open and I shot up. I was engulfed with a wave of nausea and forced to slowly lay back down. The sun was bright against my unaccustomed eyes and I had to squint. I tried sitting up again,  this time slower. I was awake. I peered out one eye at my arms, they were pale and gross green veins were still visible, but fading. I tried to turn but every muscle in me ached. How was that even possible I didn't even move? 

        "Ow..." I muttered to myself. Turns out my muttering was louder than I expected because it caused three people to all fly in the room at once. 

        "Autumn!" The first was Minho. Who came hurtling at me and attacked me in a hug. I opened my mouth to complain that you really shouldn't flying bear hug a person but Clint got to it before me. 

        "Minho get off her." And he obliged. So that was Minho, Clint and the last person surprised me most...it was Gally. He hadn't came further than the door frame but he was still there with an expectant look on his face. 

        "So you're up. How do you feel shank?" Clint asked me beginning to check my pulse. 

        "Sore." I still hadn't managed to turn to the side yet, my muscles ached too much. "I want the cold hard truth, am I covered in slug veins?" I asked. Minho let out a small breathy laugh, like he hadn't laughed for decades. 

        "Yeah..." That voice ddin't belong to any of the three. That voice belonged to a bloody British blonde. 

        I spun around so fast I swear all the bones in my back cracked. I winced but looked at Newt. He was laying in the bed next to me. His blonde hair was messy and he had a bandage on his head, his leg was propped up and in a cast of sorts, he had a bunch of small scrapes and bruises but other than that he seemed healthy. 

        My eyes widened and I said the first thing that came to my mind. 

        "I found you." 

A/N - Also I wasn't sure if it was clear but Autumn had said those things in her dream, and Newt walked in when she was dreaming and thought she said them to him... okay byeee :/ 

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