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Disclaimer - All these brilliant ideas are James Dashner's not mine... (I got really lazy with that disclaimer my gosh)

A/N - Also thank you guys sooooo so so much for all the reads, and votes and comments. Each one of them genuinely brightens my life and I just wanted to say thank you. :)

Autumn's POV

        "How many times must I pass out!?" I had passed out for the second time after just waking up from a week of being passed out! I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked to see that Newt was in another bed next to me smiling questioningly at me. I hadn't addressed why Newt had...well jumped, it was a topic I was trying to avoid, but I really did want to know the answer

         "I'm being serious. Blacking out is boring." He shifted so he was sitting, I noticed he winced at the movement. I took that as a good opportunity to ask.

        "Newt..." His face grew serious and it was obvious he could tell I was going to ask. "Why?" His eyes landed on the floor and he muttered something incomprehensible.

        "What was that?" I tried to speak as gently as I could.

        "I hated every second of every day here until you came, and then I got you stung by a buggin' griever and it was all my bloody fault..." He put his head in his hands and I had to bite my lip to stop my mouth from hanging agape. Newt always seemed so happy... But them again sometimes the happy people were actually the saddest. I got up off my bed, wincing slightly but ignoring it. I moved over to his bed and sat down next to him. I took his shaking hand in mine and spoke.

        "It wasn't your fault." He shook his head, still avoiding my gaze.

        "You said..." Had I said anything while I wasn't awake?

        "Newt, hey listen to me." I placed my hands against his cheek and gently pulled his face over so he was facing me, he still wouldn't make eye contact with me...

        "Whatever I might have said when I was in the Changing wasn't about you. Nothing was your fault, you didn't do anything wrong and I'm not mad at you." His brown eyes flickered up to match mine and he put his arms around my shoulders, engulfing me in a hug. I hugged him back, closing my eyes and rubbing his back.


        I woke up to an unfamiliar face hovering above me. My eyes widened in shock as I watched the boy jump back about three feet. I could read the shock and embarrassment in his green eyes like an open book, so I knew he meant no harm.  Who is this boy... He looked to be around fourteen or fifteen at the most.

        "Who the shuck are you?" I asked scooting myself up in the Hospital bed, (that I was still not allowed to leave).

        "Uh, ummm, I'm, I'm Briar." The boy finally managed to stutter out. It had been a whole day that I had been bedridden all by my lonesome. Newt had been allowed to leave yesterday — the lucky shank, but I was forced to stay here in this shuck dump even though I was fine.

        Then it dawned on me... I had been out cold for a whole week. We got a new greenie! I crinkled up my nose before asking, "You're the newbie aren't you?" He nodded, causing his light brown hair to lift off his forehead. "Workin' as a Medjack today?" He nodded once again before scooting backrest towards the counter.

        "Shuck man, we got a greenie and I was passed out! That's no fair..." I stuck my bottom lip out in a outing fashion and I saw the ghost of a smile appear on the boy's - Briar's face. He hadn't said anything to my comment and since I had nothing better to do I decided to... interrogate the poor shank.

        "So how long have you been her greenie?" He looked uncomfortable and slightly confused as to why I was talking to him.

        "Two days." His eyes were downcast and I could see his fingers fiddling with the hem of his brown shirt. He looked up at me, our eyes meeting but I didn't look away. "Are you the only girl?" I nodded. "Why'so that?"

        "I'm not supposed to be here." I replied with a smirk on my face, tapping a finger to my nose.

        "What do you mean ?" 

        "Well typically when someone says 'I'm not supposed to be here' it means they aren't supposed to be here." I threw as much sarcasm into my sentence as I could muster. The kids eyes dropped down to his shirt again and I got the vibe that he wasn't really in the 'talking' mood. 

        "Do me a favor greenie; go get Newt for me. He's the tall one with the blonde hair...I guess he's got a bit of a limp now too." I tried to state it lightly but inside I felt something cracking. A fragile picture made of glass, polished to perfection had broken inside me, as the true gravity of what Newt had done fell upon my shoulders. I tried once more to smile at the boy but the corners of my mouth wouldn't upturn... Luckily he didn't seem to notice as he scurried out of the room.


        Oh man...I didn't get to see a new greenie come up...oh! I'm not the greenie anymore! Take that other Gladers! You can't call me Greenie no more, ha! 

        These were my thoughts as I saw Newt hobble into the room. He had broken his leg pretty badly, so he was on few makeshift wooden crutches (that were slightly lopsided) and his leg was wrapped up in pounds of cloth.  

        "What do you want?" He whined playfully at me. 

        "Am I allowed to leave now?" I asked looking up at his grinning face. 

        "You're not gonna bloody pass out again?" He raised an eyebrow and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes right out of their sockets. I answered 'no' by shaking my head dramatically causing my hair to lift up on the sides. 

        "Hmmm," he seemed to consider it for a moment before replying, "Nope." he popped the 'p'. I felt my jaw hang open and I just looked up in fake shock before getting out of the bed. 

        "What are you doing?" He asked me, an amused tone in his voice. 

        "Leaving," I responded with a smirk. My arm was holding the door frame, my head the only thing still remaining in that wretched room. 

        "Fine," I pulled myself completely out of the room as I heard Newt hastily add, "No running!" I cracked a huge smile on my face and bolted out of the homestead. 

A/N - Okay so this '~*~*~' indicates a short amount of time passing in a chapter and the really long one indicates a longer period of time passing... just thought I'd let you guys know

Also the picture is of modern Hiccup & Astrid but that's kind of how I imagined Briar so yeah.... 

Also Out Of The Woods (New song by Slaylor Swift) came out AND I AM REALLY NOT OKAY OMG ASDFHJKKJHGFDS!!!!!! 

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