Chapter 34

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Word count: 3764


I stepped inside my home, only to be bombarded with questions by my parents.

My mother came shouting from the kitchen, asking where I had been all day and why I had run out in the morning. She did not take my silence as an answer, only used this as the chance to yell further. "Deidre, where have you been? Why are you not answering? What is this silent treatment?"

"Like you would want to know?" I huffed.

"Excuse me?" she enquired, stomping closer. "What was that?"

"Don't act as if you care about what I'm doing or who I am with. You don't give a shit so just admit it."

My mother's scowl hardened at my harsh words. "You cannot talk back to us this way, young girl. You had us worried sick."

"Stop acting as if you give a shit! You don't care about me so the least you can do is admit it!" I shouted, creating distance between us, not standing being this close to them.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I know what you did! The deal you made with Bruce. You sold me to him. And for what, money, disappointment? You did this to pay me back for seeing Thomas, because you fućking hate me?"

"Don't use that kind of foul language. I thought we taught you better than that."

"No. You actually taught me nothing. Absolutely nothing. All my life, you have shielded me from what? From the truth, the important knowledge I'm supposed to have about my own kind?" I questioned. "You have lied to me all those years. Why? Because you don't want me to be a part of everyone else, my own people? Because I am not worth being with them?"

"You're different, Deidre. You don't belong with them."

I nodded, arms folded. "And where do I belong?"

Mother remained quiet, presumably not wanting to admit the truth.

"You have no respect for me! All you give a shit about is money! Nothing else! Only yourself! I have never mattered. I have only been a tool for you to get what you want. Always. Ever since I was a kid, I have been a freaking puppet handed from one hand to another."

"Don't be so dramatic, child," Mother huffed. "You know we love you."

"Then why would you do this? Why would you sell me off to someone like Bruce? Why would you have me working at that disgusting place? Why would you promise me to a man who wants nothing but to harm me? And don't you dare say it's about money because I know it is not."

"We did not want you to be with that kid!" she announced. "Bruce told us, also, what a bothersome that kid is. He brings nothing but trouble. And we see the kind of influence he has on you and we don't like the results! He is turning you into this freak. Bruce gave us an offer we could not deny."

I bit down on my lower lip, shaking my head. "Thomas has done nothing. He is the one person who has been there for me. He has brought me such happiness that I am so grateful for. I could not be happier with him. He is the best thing in my life and you want to take that away from me?"

"That boy has done nothing but ruin our life. He is turning you into this person we can hardly recognize," she spat. "You could have someone much better. Someone who does not belong with the trash."

"Thomas is not some fućking trash!" I breathed in sharply. "I love him. I do. I love him so much."

My mother huffed while father shook his head. "You don't know a thing about it. What you and him have is not even close to it. He is only messing with your mind, making you believe stuff that is not true. Do you honestly believe a boy like him could ever fall for someone like you? He is of royal blood, he could never want someone as plain as you. You are nothing in his world."

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