Chapter 26

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Word count: 3945


The moment Deidre woke up, her arm touched the body that had been lying next to her, only to come up with nothing.

Tiredly, she opened her eyes, coming up with an empty bedside.

Thomas was not there.

It was because in the middle of the night, Thomas had woken up, sobering from his drunk mind, finding himself lying next to the girl he was hopelessly in love with.

Thomas could not believe what had happened, the fact that he had showed up at her house, only because he had decided to get wasted. Although, he was not feeling guilty for wanting the closeness of the girl, he was regretting coming there in the first place, blurting out his reasons.

Deidre sighed in defeat, saddened by Thomas's sudden disappearance. Deidre had not wished for Thomas to leave, she wanted him to stay.

Deidre climbed out of bed, not wanting it to be Saturday. The girl wanted to go to school in order to see Thomas, even though that was not possible and things would not have still ended well between the two.

Her eyes lifted to the alarm clock that was resting on her nightstand, noticing it was past twelve. It was a while that she had slept in this late and she was not happy about it.

Deidre was the early bird, with constantly waking up around nine. In her mind, she believed she could do more with waking up early. Although, then she remembered the date which was scheduled that night, the one with Trent.

There was nothing more Deidre regretted, than agreeing to the date.

Deidre felt as if she was betraying Thomas, it did not feel even utterly right.

Deidre let out a groan of disapproval at the sight of her appearance. Her hair was a tangled mess on top of her head, brushing in all different directions, cheeks were flushed, eyes sparkling.

She was supposed to meet Trent, eight o'clock at the restaurant by the docks.

The girl was not fond of the idea, did not like it one bit.

She had a horrible feeling about it.

She shook those thoughts away, cleaning herself up a little before heading to work.

Deidre was still working at the club, she knew she had to pay the pills somehow, since she believed her parents could not afford to pay. She may have known that her actions were wrong, but there was not much she could do about it. She wanted to take care of her family and if this meant exposing herself, then so be it.

Besides, it was nothing the girl could not handle.

"Deidre, and here I was thinking you would not show," Bruce exclaimed, stopping the girl in her movements after she had gotten off the stage hours later.

Deidre shrugged, folding her arms over her chest because she felt too exposed. "Yeah. Well, I decided to show up. I need to make money somehow."

Bruce smirked at the stubborn teenager, bracing his hand one the bar counter behind her, caging her in. "I have a proposition for you."

Deidre frowned at Bruce's actions, cowering away, but there was nowhere she could escape. "What kind of proposition?"

"There is a man here who has been coming around for weeks. His name is Arthur Werdig and he has taken quite an interest in you. He is a local business man who enjoys various activities with girls like you."

"Why should I care if he has taken an interest in me?"

Bruce chuckled at her foolish mind. "He wants to have you. He wants to buy you from me and I have actually started to consider the option of selling."

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