chapter 35~ mate?

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I woke up the next morning I have been sleeping ever since- you know what, l still can't believe I had sex with allassandro and he didn't look at me as if my body was disgusting he looked at me with pure lust and love l smiled thinking about what had happen

I looked over to see him sleeping beside me I couldn't get the images out of my mind my eyes lowered to his lips I blushed remember where they were

'This could've been happening from the very beginning if you had just given in'

I was scared you know that

'Yeah but if you'd just trusted in him you could've been getting that D from the very beginning'

Look at it this way I can get all the D l want now

'Ouuu look at you'

I got up taking a blanket to cover myself

"I told you not to hide from me, what's mine"

I jumped frightened by his voice a sharp pain shooting out from between my legs l was sore, really sore

"Morning" l said still holding the blanket around me

The images immediately resurfacing

"Good morning" he smiled "where are you going?

"To the bathroom"

He got up naked walking towards me l looked down for the first time and my eyes immediately shot back up to his face He smiled reaching for the blanket around me "I'll take this" he took the blanket and my hands cover my chest without realizing "this is how I want you from now on" heat rushed to my cheaks

"Would you like some breakfast" he laughed

"I, yeah sure"

He walked off and l ran to the bathroom l know he already saw me naked but I can't help covering myself its just the way l am
Devin's POV

I stood in a corner drinking I'm trying to be happy for ruby but the thought of never being happy was ripping at my heart the moon goddess peared me with lorraine, lorraine! Of all people I'd be okay if it was another girl but Lorraine l just can't

Pack members were dancing and singing, our luna was now known and everyone was happy

I'll reject her when all of this is over does she even know I'm her mate? I left before she could detect it

Someone grabbed me from behind
What's happening?
A wonderful scent fill my nose
I was confused this person surely doesn't feel like a girl, it couldn't be lorraine it was more of a manly hold

I was brought behind some bushes I looked up and who l saw shocked me


"Mate" what dean is gay?

He hugged me close to him

Questions flooded my mind I was scared of the unknown dean is a scary person, what if he tries to hurt me surely if lorraine is my mate then she's his mate too won't he reject me and accept her?

"Um dean can l- can l go use the bathroom"

He didn't budge

"Um- " I begin

"I'll come with you"

"No! I mean I'll be right back, stay here"

I ran off to find ruby

"Ruby" l shouted when I saw her heading towards a car

"Dean" l said coming closer

"Dean, he's my mate!"

My other half (Not Edited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum