chapter 15~ no pack has ever had a fat luna

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Ruby's pov

I paced about in my room, nervousness was an understatement to what I'm feeling right now
In about 3 hours allassandro is coming to pick me up, I'm meeting his parents for the first time my heart hammered in my chest

What if they dont like me!
I stopped in front of the mirror a snort leaving my mouth
Ofcourse they won't like you ruby who the hell would want you for their son's mate
I felt like the air was leaving my lungs

Breathe ruby breath
Taking my own advice
I took deep breaths trying to calm my pounding heart
Fuck its not working

Wait did I just curse
Oh fuck that

I continued my pacing around

'Ruby, ruby calm down everything will be okay' shayla said calmly

"Calm down!?" I shouted
"You want me to calm down, clearly you don't understand what's happening Right now"

'You're meeting allassandro's parents' she deadpans

Well yeah .. but you don't understand

'You're scared they won't think your an ideal girl for their son'

I sigh

'Ruby just be yourself and they'll love you, now go take a shower and get dressed'

I followed her commands and a hour later l stood infront the mirror with a blue dress, white flats and a white cardigan

'You look nice ruby'

"yeah sure" I said with sarcasm lasing my voice

'You do look nice ruby'

I took a deep breath "thanks shayla"

Knock knock knock

he's here earlier

"Hey" I breathe out when my eyes caught on to what he was wearing my mouth felt dry and suddenly I need something to drink but I'm sure water wouldn't quench my thirst he had on a white dress shirt with dark jeans and white converse

I swallowed

"You look beautiful" he held out his hand a single red rose in it "this is for you"


You look good too I wanted to say but it never came out instead I stood there like a complete idiot

"Are you ready to go?"

"Huh?..oh y-yeah"

He led me to the car and we both got in

I've never been treated this way before and I have to admit it feels good
But is it too good to be true?

'damn it ruby why do you always question every good thing that happens to you, can't you just enjoy it?'

"I'm trying" I whispered

"Trying to do what" he asked taking his eyes of the road to look at me

"Nothing, are we there yet?

"Yeah...we're two minutes away" he said looking straight into my eyes as if he's trying to figure out what's going on inside my head
But l looked away and eventually he did too

We pulled up to this huge purple and white house and my heart rate picked up
He must've noticed
"Are you okay" he reached for my hands
I knew if I attempted to talk it'll come out high pitched so I just nodded
"Let's go"
We got out of the car and he led me to the door
before he could open it a blonde woman came out
"lan you made it"she said without acknowledging my presence

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