chapter 24~ simple guy

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It was 4:55 when we pulled up at school devin immediately ran out to get our bags, me behind him helping with whatever he couldn't carry, we rushed into school seeing everyone standing beside two big buses, the teacher was there checking his list to see if everyone was on time

"Cameron, louise, Shawn, grayson, porter..." He continued with a bunch of other names

"Is there anyone here who didn't hear their names" no one answered

"Well it looks like allassandro isn't coming" my heart sank a little knowing he didn't show

"I'm here" we all turned to see him walking towards us while he shrugged off the black leather jacket he was wearing... My knees buckled and devin held on to my hand

 My knees buckled and devin held on to my hand

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"I know girl, I know" he whispered

But where was his luggage? I looked around, his eyes met mine, he smiled coming up towards me and I shrunked back a little, how does one handle having a male model as a boyfriend? He winked at me, l nearly fainted I don't think I can handle this, on the outside I was cool but on the inside I was freaking out he must've heard my heart rate spike because he stood beside devin and joshua a few feet away from me
"Okay guys put your bags under your seats when you get inside, and oh boys on one bus and girls on the other"
What? Why? Now I won't be able to sit beside devin

"Oh come on" joshua interviened "we're going on a trip let loose a little will you sir" his hands on his hips

We all stared at our home room teacher with pleading eyes while allassandro had his headphones on

"Fine" he rolled his eyes, we all piled on to the buses I quickly dragged Devin to sit beside me before allassandro got on

'What the hell'

I know, l know I'm a freaking coward its just I get all nervous when I'm around him next thing you know I'm sweating like a cow my heart rates through the roof

'you sat beside him at lunch'

Yeah and I was freaking out then, and plus the bus ride is gonna be longer

'Whatever, you can't ignore him for long'

When lan got on his eyes searched the bus he was a little disappointed that someone else was sitting beside me but eventually found a seat at the back with joshua

We were on the road for 2 hours before we stopped to get breakfast, devin offered to buy so l stayed on the bus reading my wattpad story

I felt someone standing over me and I assumed it was devin without looking up

"You know devin, this guy really is daddy" l laughed

"What" he growled and l looked up my heart beating really fast

What the hell how didn't I smell him

'That might've been my doing'

"Oh hey, hi!"

"Who are you talking about" his eyes narrowed at me

"Oh um its um this book a little girls dad! He's really a father figure,great dad" I rushed out

Doesn't he know that no one else would ever really want me, who could l be sneaking around with

He sat down not looking entirely convinced but gave up anyways

"Have you been avoiding me?" he accused

"What" I laughed nervously "why would l be avoiding you haha"

Devin came back with the food when he saw allassandro in his seat he smirked

He gave me my food "I'll take your seat at the back" he winked at me meanwhile my eyes pleading to him not to leave me

5 minutes later joshua came up to allassandro and gave him a coffee cup and went back to his seat at the back

'this is going to be fun'

if you mean me embarrassing myself in front of allassandro for the rest of the ride then yeah sure

I looked outside the window trying to avoid his eyes

"Are you afraid of me" he laughed

"No, why would l be afraid of you haha"

"Your heart rate is beating rapidly, you won't stop rubbing your hands together and you've been looking out that window since the second I sat down"

"fine yeah, l'm a bit nervous when I'm around you and I can't help but think I'm gonna do or say something stupid" I looked at his chest avoiding eye contact at all cost

He lift up my chin so I'm staring in his eyes "you don't need to be nervous around me, I'm just a simple guy"

"Look, let's watch something together" he hooked up his laptop and plugged in his earphones

This sh*t still won't help, l mean have you seen yourself!

"what do you wanna watch, I've got avengers uh iron man, ghost rider, dead pool, thor wait l should have the fault in our stars somewhere on here from when Joshua borrowed my laptop a few days ago.." He trailed on

"Avengers is good, I love marvel movies"

"Okay" he smiled at me, don't get me wrong I love the fault in our stars and other movies like that but I loveee marvel movies

We were almost in the middle of the movie where the big fight scene comes on and l was excited to see all my favorite heroes fighting together that I forgot I was watching it with allassandro

My eyes looked up for a few seconds to see him staring at me with this big grin, when my eyes caught his he returned to watching the movie

"Okay students we're here grab your bags and let's get on board" damn it we didn't even finish watching the avengers
Allassandro grabbed my bags and Devin came and got his, sitting with him wasn't that bad I mean it was awkward at first but overall it was good

He then took another suitcase from the seat he was originally seating at

"Is that yours"

"Yeah" and I thought he didn't bring any bags

My eyes immediately darted to my small bag he had over his shoulder containing my panties and other things

"I'll take that" I shouted

He smirked and gave it to me shaking his head before walking towards the ship

Omg did he know what was in that Bag

'if he didn't know then he knows now'

Oh god..

"Let's go what are you waiting for" devin dragged me along

have you guys ever been through anything like that let me know in the comment section if you have and can't be bothered to type leave a vote 😀

Still seeing a lot of views and like zero votes ☹ thanks for viewing and I know my story isn't that interesting but please drop a vote if you're going to read ....please guys

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