chapter 20~ day before the date

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I woke up a bit earlier than I always did in hopes I could get to school before my mate could pick me up, but when I got outside he was already there grinning at me so I begged him to drop me a block away from school, he wouldn't budge at first but he eventually gave in after me constantly begging him

here we are sitting in his car a block away from school

"Just let me drive you in to school who cares what people think?"

"I do and I know Lorraine will make trouble about it, please just let me walk from here"

He sighed then ran his hand through his beautiful brown locks for the 100th time

"Fine" the locks on the car opened from him locking them earlier "Don't forget that I'm driving you home"

"Okay" I got out of his car "thank you" and with that I walked the rest of the way

"He drove you to school?" devin asked with the biggest grin ever

"Yes, but I asked him to drop me a block away"

"Why?" He frowned

"Becausee, you know why" I pointed at him

"You shouldn't care what others think, get use to the attention you're gonna be luna some day"

"Luna" oriana interrupted "Who's gonna be luna


"You!" I shouted before devin could finish his sentence " you are"

"Are you serious" she screamed " I knew it, its only right that I'd be the luna, I'm pretty and sexy and intelligent"

"mhm" l agreed

"Well maybe not intelligent" devin whispered And I chuckled

"I have to go find allassandro!" She screamed and ran off "l must tell him the good news"

"She's dumb"

"Yep, let's get to class"

"A real estate agent received a 6% commission on the selling price of a house. If his commission was $8,880, what was the selling price of the house?" Our math teacher Mr cambell asked

The selling price would be uh...
I scribbled some thing on my math book trying to work out the answer
If the commission is $8,880 then the selling price would be "$148,000" l whispered out

Devin immediately put up his hand and the teacher pointed on him "the answer would be $148,000 sir" he looked around proud as if it was his answer

"Yes, yes that's the answer, let me see your work out please" mr douglas asked

"Well uh you see" devin stuttered and l chuckled "l did it in my head" he pointed at his forehead

"Then you wouldn't mind showing us on the board how you came up with that answer right" our teacher said pointing at the white board

"Fine it wasn't my answer, it was Ruby's"

"I know" the teacher said "please turn to page 97 and complete the rest, oh and its a graded piece"

Everyone groaned

"that's what you get for stealing answers"

"Whatever you wouldn't have told him anyway" devin rolled his eyes looking through the many dresses

"Maybe we should go home and just wear something that I already have"
We were at the store looking for an outfit for my date


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