Chapter 10 - Safehaven

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OKAY GUYS I AM SO SORRY OMG! It has DEFINITELY been too long since I continued Aftermath. THANK YOU FOR 263 READS OMG!! This is the first time my books have gotten so many reads! Thank you so much for reading and supporting me and waiting for a long Long time. I will be finishing this story before continuing on with a new project so let's get lit!!
- Chloe :)

I gulped as he held a sharp short knife against my throat. His arm was around my neck like a hostage situation, this brought the entire room's attention to be on me. I was frozen in fear. I didn't want to move or try to free myself because I knew one wrong move, and I'd be dead. So I just stood there and glanced over to Jax and Rogue.

Jax had his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles went white, he clenched his jaw as he let out a grunt of frustration. Rogue on the other hand, slowly and carefully reached out for his gun as his hand creeped towards his holster.

I noticed it quickly and shook my head slightly, in hopes he understand why. He had a look of surprise before quickly hiding it with a frown. He lightly touched his holster with the tip of his finger, ready to grab the gun.

I glanced around, everyone was looking at me with hatred and... curiosity? Some stared and some whimpered in fright... weird. The crowd started parting in the middle as Remo and Cole walked to the front.

"Let her go you buffoon!" Cole ordered as he glared at the Serpentino holding a knife to my throat. He blinked at him in disbelief before reluctantly releasing me.

Jax and Rogue were shocked. Anneliese was shocked. Even I was! I stumbled free from him as he walked back into the crowd. I glanced over at the 2 men as Jax heaved a sigh of relief and Rogue had a huge grin on his face.

I quickly ran over there and hugged Jax. Rogue looked over to us, his expression was dark yet he tried to keep calm. I could hear his breathing speed up before leaving to talk to Anneliese.

At this moment, I couldn't care less where we are. All I wanted to do was to stay safe in Jax's arms, the Ever Cravers and Glide Changelings... all these new monsters that I've seen. Hundreds of people dead with blood everywhere. I just... feel so overwhelmed and sick to my stomach.

The feeling of shock start to kick in as I finally realised, our civilisation was going to go down and I'm not prepared for it. I thought we'd at least have some time before such a major massacre like that happens.

"V, are you alright? You see pretty pale and you're clutching your mouth and stomach... do you need to go to the bathroom?" Jax whispered next to me as he placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in closer.

At times like this, I liked it a lot and I think that he isn't so bad, even if sometimes he acts like a big ol' jerk. I think that he just needs to open up to his true feelings instead of putting up a facade.

"Jax... can we go somewhere quieter? I... I just don't feel so good." I wrapped my arms around his slim and fit body. His musky cologne that I was so familiar with wafted into my nose as he nodded and notified Gabriel about his whereabouts before bringing me to a metal door.

We entered and he shut it softly behind him. Past the door was a dimly lit hallway that looked like it never ended. The stone walls had candles lit on the sides of the wall every few distances. I held his hand tightly as he led me down the dark and spooky hallway.

We quickly reached a pair of wooden doors as Jax unlocked it with a key that he had in his pocket, I slowly creeped into it as he shut the door behind us.

The room was pitch black and for once? I was actually worried about what's going to happen.

"Jax...? Are... are you there?" I whimpered as I held my hands together tightly, scared of anything that might pop out. A flame flickered as Jax lit a matchstick and lit the candle next to his bedside. He went around the room to light up candles that lined along the wall.

I quickly realised, it was his bedroom that we were in. This time I wasn't so worried because I knew he wouldn't do anything with me or anything I wasn't comfortable with.

"Alright, now you can tell me what's wrong. Sit on the bed, it's more comfortable." As he walked over to it and plopped down on it. He sighed as he covered his face with his hand before gazing at me with his dark eyes as the room wasn't bright anymore.

I timidly sat down on the edge of the bed as he crawled next to me and laid down on my lap. I played with his hair as he smiled at me with his dimples showing.

"Well, I'm just worried. I'm scared what will happen when the monsters do take over our world. I'm scared of losing everyone I care about. Like the Wolverines, the 7 Deadly Sins, Anneliese, Rogue —" I went on before he cut me off.

"Whoa whoa whoa! How in the world did you know Rogue and Anneliese?" He asked in bewilderment.

I told him about what happened during the past few hours and may have left out the details of me holding Rogue's hand in the beginning. It's not like he needs to know.

"Do you regret not listening to me now?" He smirked at me as I gazed down at him. I nodded my head as I looked away and blushed, he chuckled softly from that as he sat up.

He lifted his hand onto my face as his thumb caressed my cheek, he moved in closer as your eyes locked onto each other's. My heart was beating so fast, my face was starting to become hotter as we got closer and closer...

We had such a small gap just between our faces as we closed our eyes...

~ To Be Continued ~

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'm so sorry for leaving you with this cliffhanger! But I had to make my entrance flashy and great ;) Hope you guys enjoyed so much and stay tuned!

Follow me @chloe.cwrites on Instagram for Updates and Sneak Peeks! See you and thank you for reading!

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