Chapter 2 - The Guy With Amber Eyes

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I had the same nightmare.

Nowhere. Shadows. Running. Screaming. Death. Silence.

I woke up the exact same way. Except, this time I was in a queen sized bed. I had been changed into a plain white T-shirt and sweatpants. I walked into the bathroom to get ready.

As I stepped into the bathroom, there was a sink top mirror. For the first time, I saw myself. In the reflection, was a girl with vibrant violet eyes, it was indeed rare. I had raven black hair that ended at the half of my back. It was wavy so it seemed like I was different from others.

If I was compared to high school girls, I think I would be one of those popular girls. I had perfect naturally shaped eyebrows and thick, luscious lips. Considering I saw my reflection for the first time, I wouldn't think I was immodest.

I pinched myself, thinking it was a dream. No one could have purple eyes, right? Alas, it didn't work. I did the typical morning stuff and went for a warm and steamy shower, I haven't felt a shower since forever and it felt so good!

I got dressed in a crop top and tights and left my bedroom. I exited into a magnificent foyer, chandeliers were hung extravagantly up on the ceiling and stairs were leading upwards to the multi-storied building.

A brunette maid greeted me with a small "Good morning." Before dragging me off to an office. The person's chair was turned around, so I couldn't see who that person was. She exited the room briskly as the chair creaked.

It was a nice and spacious office. There were no windows since we were in the underground. How I could tell? Dirt and stones still rumbled around the small echoey cracks of the office.

"H-hello, g-good morning. T-th-thank you for saving me." I stuttered. "I'm so sorry if I was such a hassle to you and I will leave if you want me to."

I spun around, ready to walk off as my hands were in front of me, squeezing each other from the intense nervousness. I started to walk step by step. As I heard a deep and husky voice sounded behind me.

"Wait, let's talk."

I slowly turned around to see the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He had light brown eyes which almost looked amber and he had dark brown hair which was wavy so it curled upwards. He had an average build which made him much more attractive.

"What's your name girl?"

"Umm I don't know sir."

"What do you mean 'I don't know'? It's your own name for goodness sake!" He said it in a serious tone.

"I woke up somewhere in an underground bunker and had to escape death. I saved a boy from a couple of things with zombies that have skulls with black blood. Then he ran away, leaving me for death, then you saved me and I woke up here." I ranted out.

The worst thing that could happen to any guy was a girl starting to break down. I bawled my eyes out after feeling so anxious and scared. He stood up and kneeled down beside me and patted my back reassuringly, hmm. Pretty smooth.

"Uhh, don't worry. It'll eventually come back to you, right?"

"Yea... but what if it doesn't? I don't know if my parents are alive, and if they are? My parents are worried and there weren't such monsters, were there? I'm so scared if they got injured or are dead." I started to sob harder. He had a look of panic on his face and he sighed and smiled.

He was hot but what made him even more attractive was his smile. Pearly white and straight teeth. Damn, was he perfect. And a smooth boy at that.

"Listen, I can't be sure your parents are safe. But we can only hope. Hoping for their safety is the only thing you can do, if they are alive, they'll know you hope for them to live. You never know." He shrugged.

I stopped sniffling and smiled.

"Yea, thanks for that..."

"Jax. Jax Lavette."

"Wow, sounds French which makes you hotter than you already are." I said my thoughts out loud. I slapped my hand over my mouth, eyes wide in surprise. That came out an accident, oh my Gosh. This is so embarrassing!

He at first had the same reaction as me, surprised. But after the shock, he just laughed. I could feel my face blush to a shade of a dark rose.

"Why thank you, Princess. Hmm, why not we give you a temporary name?"

"Umm sure!" I still said, embarrassed.

"How about Violet? You know, your eyes?"

"Isn't that quite a hassle of a name?" I giggled.

"Fine, then how about V?" He smirked. Such confidence he showed, thinking he hit the jackpot.

"Sounds... nice." I smiled. It felt nice to have a name rather than be called "girl".

"You must be hungry, Maria!" A Filipino maid stepped through the doors, she looked very tidy and her dark brown hair was up in a gel-up bun.

"What do you need sir?" She had an American accent with a hint of Filipino which meant she worked here for quite sometime.

"I need you to bring V to the dining hall, I'll be right behind. I just need to finish up some calls, ask the Chef to give us the usual for me and bacons with eggs for her." He said with his turned back facing us. He walked back to his oak desk and sat down on his chair.

"Yes sir." She bowed before gesturing to me to leave. I left and I stepped back into the endless hallways. She guided me into a big banquet hall and a long table. I decided to sit down at the seat next to the end of the table.

I sat down and crossed my legs. Drumming my fingers against the table, I took in the white light coming from more chandeliers strung across the ceiling.

The doors opened to show not only Jax, but 6 men walked in with him. They were all rough looking and somehow had either really bright or really dark coloured hair and eyes.

"Hey V, let me introduce you my main men that are part of the '7 Deadly Sins'."

Jax Lavette crossed his arms with a smirk and his men stood there with smiles, blank looks or annoyed looks.

I sat there staring at them for a good few seconds.

What have I gotten myself into?

~ To Be Continued ~


Follow me @chloe.cwrites on Instagram for sneak peeks and updates. While waiting for future episodes, read my other story, In Love With My Best Friend's Boyfriend. See you soon!

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