Chapter 1 - Where Am I?

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I'm standing in the middle of nowhere.

Everything is just pitch black.

The dark floor stretches out for miles and miles before me.

Shadows surround me as I stood there.

Bare footed, clothes torn and tattered.


I cautiously waited for a few seconds, before...

I started to run.

But it led me to nowhere, the shadows were creeping up behind me.

I kept on running but they were coming quicker, right on my tail.

They grabbed a hold of me and dragged me into the ground.

I was clawing onto the gooey and sticky floor, almost like mud and quicksand.

I melted into a puddle of black blood as I screamed to my death.



I sat up. I was dripping with sweat and my eyes were wide open. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before looking around.

I was sitting up with a wall supporting my back. I was in an off white room, the size of a classroom. There were no windows, no doors. All there was was a vent up in the ceiling. I wore the same tattered clothes from my nightmare.

I didn't know what I looked like and most of all, I couldn't remember anything.

I couldn't remember my name or any memories.

I knew everything else except for things about me.

In the corner of the room, stuck on the wall, was a lever. I darted my eyes around, trying to search for any hidden entrances or hidden compartments in the wall.

I ran over there and yanked it with no hesitance. Well, guess I was those type of girls who use their instincts more than their logic.

I heard a soft rumble to see bricks slowly coming out of the wall. They looked like a rock wall, coming out from different places and some parts of the bricks were chipped off.

Green coloured gas started seeping out of the vents in the wall behind me and was waiting to slowly take my breath away. Literally to kill me.

I scrambled up the jutting brick wall, in hopes I beat the gas before it sucked the life out of me. I was almost to the top when my foot slipped and lost its gripping.

My hands lost their grip too and I fell a few bricks down. I managed to grab hold of one broken brick in the middle.

I could feel my shoulder being dislocated, I was so sure the sound of the crack made it obvious.

I started to climb back up when I felt soft rumbling. I looked down and to my horror, the bricks were retracting back into their slots.

I tried my best to scramble up the wall without aggravating my shoulder too much. I was almost to the top, but the gas was almost reaching my height on the wall.

I reached to the top brick to see a thin and long concrete platform against the wall. I climbed on top of it to see a big red button in the middle of the wall.

I slammed it, in hopes it stops everything. And for sure, it did. I plopped myself on the platform and caught my breath.

After I regained my breath, I got up and reach for the vents easily. I yanked it down and it came off loosely. A ladder was retracted inside the circular vent.

I pulled the ladder down and took a look one last time at the room, there was only one way I could make it out of here and I didn't know what would the challenges be before me.

I could try to escape and kill myself in the process or die from the lack of food and water. Any hope of escape I would gladly take.

I was climbing up the ladder, halfway through, there was a metal door on the side of the wall. I kept on climbing to the top, hoping I could find some help from civilisation above.

I couldn't wait to see my parents, maybe I could regain my memories again? I saw a dome with a wheel in the middle. I hope I don't fall off. I turned it with ease and gathered all my strength to pushed it open.

This was it.

I was going to be free from those who kidnaped me.

I was in the middle of a forest clearing, the wind was howling in my ears. I climbed out of the tunnel and took in my surroundings more.

Seems like there's more survival trials for me.

I started to aimlessly walk around, maybe civilisation was nearby? I quickened my pace.


I froze in my steps, I couldn't believe it, there was no such things as zombies... were there?

I drew myself to the low, guttural noise, instincts blocked out logic as I started sprinting towards the sound. I hid behind a tree as I froze in place.


They were in a horde, chasing after a teenage boy.

He was up on the tree, clasping onto the branch for dear life. I couldn't stand there and do nothing, they said strength in numbers right?

"Hey!" I waved my arms around as I stepped into the clearing. The monsters turned around, they had skulls and razor sharp teeth jagging out their mouths. Their bodies were melted with decay and black blood.

"Come and get me suckers!" The boy looked at me, bewildered. He started to frown, I was trying to save him, ungrateful brat.

I sprinted around, trying to avoid their attempts to swipe at me. But hell, they were fast. Some crawled like a spider, others ran. I think I'd get my exercise for the year from this.

The boy ran away, thanks a lot kiddo. Leaving me to be bait, smart move.

"Hey! Kid! Where are you going!" I shouted behind my pants, they were fast and right behind me.

"Too bad so sad!" He sprinted away like a cheetah as his cackles echoed throughout the clearing, he was really fast. I tripped over a small rock and fell face flat on the ground.

I flipped over onto my back as I tried to crawl away, facing their disgusting faces. I was desperate for someone to save me.

"Help! Please! Anyone!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face.

My arm instantly covered my face as I turned my head away, I could smell the grotesque breath of the monster. His face was just inches away from me, his mouth opened wide. I was ready to accept my fate, I was happy I managed to save a life.


Gunshots echoed around the clearing as I shut my eyes. I didn't feel any pain, all I felt was a heavy body which fell on me. I quickly shoved the body off of me before standing up to look at what happened.

Dead bodies of the monsters had bullets shot through their head. Their hearts were removed and could only be seen with a small hole in the middle of their chest and black blood oozing out of the open wound.

I could feel my breath quickening, eyes wide. What happened? Who could have even done this? I felt my face going pale, I was getting dizzy, the world was spinning. I was shocked that I was so lucky someone heard me in this abandoned forests, I could tell it was autumn from all the leaves and the power of the wind.

I fell sideways as my arm supported my head. I could feel my vision dimming as I started to black out. The only thing I saw that came before my eyes was this man, he had chestnut brown hair and eyes so brown, they looked amber. I blacked out after that.

~ To Be Continued ~


Follow me @chloe.cwrites on Instagram for updates and sneak peeks! Remember to also read my other stories while waiting for this, In Love With My Best Friend's Boyfriend. See you guys soon!

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