Chapter 8

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"And then there were two."

I stared at him as he put his arm around my neck, before staring back at me with those dark, brown eyes. I didn't realize that I was leaning in, and I didn't fail to notice that so was he.

I closed my eyes and leaned in, almost a second away from kissing him when a memory popped up in my head, making me gasp and pull away.

My necklace!

Hunter groaned before muttering something. He then stared at me, trying to figure out what's wrong.

I can't believe I forgot about it. It is the most important thing I own, and the only important thing I own.

"I have to go."

I stood up from the couch and made my way to the door to be blocked by Hunter.

"Where are you going? Is it another man? Do you have a--

"What the hell Hunter? I told you I never had a boyfriend."

"Oh right, I forgot," He said as he scratched his neck.

"I have to go get my stuff," I said as I tried going past Hunter, to be blocked again.

"I'll send someone else to get it."

"No, I'm getting it."


"I'm coming back. It will take at least an hour."

"An hour?" He whined.

"And to think he is the alpha" I muttered.

"What if I come?" He asked.

"It's outside your territory."


Going outside your territory wasn't a bad thing, well depends on where you go. An alpha could go on rouge land since it isn't claimed, and lucky for us, we live on rouge land.

"I guess you can come since we live in rouge land."


"Really, really" I giggled at his reaction, for he looked so happy and hopeful.

"Let's go."

He gently grabbed my wrist and made his way towards the door when I stopped him.

"Dylan's coming with us. He has his stuff too."

Hunter groaned, making me hold a giggle.

"You go tell Sam and Amy that we are going, I'll go wake up Dylan."

Hunter nodded and I made my way upstairs. It took about ten minutes to find Dylan and tell him the situation as there were about three floors and I didn't know what floor Dylan was on.

By the time Dylan and I were downstairs, a delicious smell filled the air. I followed that smell to find Amy and Hunter talking.

"This smells delicious" I commented, attracting both Amy and Hunter's attention.

"Thank you, I made your favourite."

"Chinese food?" I asked hopefully.

She laughed and nodded her head. I tackled her into a hug, almost causing her to trip.

"Your the best."

"You better show me your white wolf."

"You bet."

I then stepped away from the hug and stood beside Hunter, and asked,

"Did you tell her?"


"Did you tell Sam?"

"He's getting the groceries" Amy stated as she mixed whatever was in the pot.

"Did you mindlink him?"

"Emma, I--

"Hunter, let me explain this to her" Amy stated as she put her wooden spoon on the table.

"You see honey. Your brother is overprotective of you, which isn't wrong since he thought you were dead for five years. What I'm trying to say is, he wouldn't let you go with a boy, much less, your mate alone."

"But we aren't going to be alone, Dylan's coming with us."

"Dylan's physically there but mentally dead."

"I'm right here" Dylan stated, sounding offended.

"Dylan, I--

"Whatever, it's true."

"Okay, I get it. Now let's go."

We all walked outside towards the pack borders, with Hunter leading the way. As soon as we reached the pack borders, we each shifted, carrying our clothes with us. Dylan leads the way towards our tree while Hunter and I followed.

After ten minutes, we finally reached the tree. We each went behind different trees and shifted, putting our clothes on.

"So you guys lived here?" Hunter asked as he came from behind the tree.


"Dylan, give me a boost."

He bent down and I sat on his neck, making Hunter growl.

"Relax bro, she's just getting the ladder."

After a few minutes of trying, I finally got hold of the ladder. I put it down on the floor and began to climb up my tree.

As soon as I was off my ladder, I raced towards my bed and pulled out my necklace from under the pillow. I stared at it for who knows how long before putting it around my neck.

I looked around the tree, considering if I should take anything else around here. After carefully checking the treehouse, I decided to leave things how they were, so one day, I could come back here and reminisce about my old memories.

"Em, you done?" Dylan asked as he was climbing back down the ladder, holding his wallet, his favourite hoodie and his lucky brush.

"I'm done," I said as I made my way towards the ladder. I looked at the place one more time before going back down the ladder.

"Alright, let's go," Dylan said.

"Actually," Hunter said, "Emma and I want to spend a few minutes alone."

"Alright, but Sam's gonna kill you" Dylan whistle before making his way back to the pack territory.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanna show you something."


"Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I was hoisted up and now being carried.


"Relax, I'm leading the way. Now, just enjoy the view, I know I am."

That pervert

And for the next twenty minutes, I spent my time looking around me. The view was beautiful, and the forest wasn't so bad either.

"Alright, we're here" Hunter claimed.

"Now close your eyes."

"They're closed."

He gently put me back on the ground before saying,

"You can open them."

I opened my eyes to find a beautiful waterfall. I looked around to see that we were surrounded by trees, bushes and flowers.

"This is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

I stared at his deep brown eyes and found myself unintentionally leaning in. My heart was drumming so fast, I was pretty sure he could hear it, but I didn't care.

When we were a few inches apart, I closed my eyes and leaned in when,


The Alpha's White Wolf {Editing} Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu