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the rebirth of a soul in a new body.


"he is said to be a reincarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu"

[Bonus Chapter!]

WARNING: If you don't want to read about someone getting murdered or someone talking about murder or anything that's out of your comfort zone, skipped this chapter completely. The chapter is graphic, mature and intense.

(Not Edited)

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               The sound of water dripping from the ceiling onto the cold concrete floor pierced the deathly silent air, following the sound of gravel crunching beneath my boots with each footstep I took forward, pacing around the broken down room, the smell of wet wood and soil invading my senses. I press the pad of my thumb against the sharp blade in my grasp as I try to recall how I ended up here again... It started when I was thirteen, at first, I thought I just needed to get it out of my system as twisted as it sounds, the urge of wanting to do it nagged at me... pushing me over the edge. The moment it happened, I realized that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my miserable life. 

It felt like air... like I was gulping down fresh air I didn't know I needed and I loved it...

I remember that day vividly.

I couldn't stop myself from following her around, the one and only girl who's made me fall head over heels for. I was infatuated by her, I couldn't believe a girl like her existed in this sick twisted world. Amy— my best friend since preschool, the older I got the more my obsession over her grew, each second, each hour, each day— I fell harder and harder for her... if she wasn't near me or in my view of vision, it felt like I couldn't breathe or think straight. At first it was innocent, following her while she walked to her house, sometimes when she would go alone to the store, I wanted to keep her safe from harms way— from the cruel people in this world but I soon realized, I was as sick as those same people I was trying to protect her from. 

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