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"We have added the extra cameras in and around the place inside the walls. The lights have been change as you specified and that's it sir. Anything else you can call us. We are happy to offer our services." The frail man packs his equipment and leave.

I walk around the house checking out the renovations when I'm interrupted by a phone call.


"I need you. Now."

I stop all movements as I speed off in my car.


25 minutes later I arrive at the large estate. I stop by the gate as I roll down my window as the four men approach my car.

"Can I help you, sir?" He bends down as he shows me his gun.

"Rodger Sax 4," I say.

Nodding his head he taps the roof of my car as the large gates open.

I drive up the long driveway, parking at the double door entrance.

I knock, "Mr Xavier, he's expecting you." I follow the petite women as she leads me down the familiar path that leads to his office.

She knocks before before she opens the door for me. Already there were 15 men inside waiting.

The door opens, the men of the hour coming in. "Good, now that we are all here we can begin." He takes the time to sit in his place as we all stay standing waiting for his command.

"You must have heard already that my father has left us." He might not show any emotion but his tight fist is a recognition that he is upset.

I've heard the news about his passing in the tv news and to say I was very happy when I heard but it's not like I can voice that out.

Don't get me wrong, the men wrote my cheques but he was an arrogant, selfish and a snob of a man. I hated the way he treated people. Even this men standing in front of us should have kicked the bucket because he is the same as his father. But what can I say? I'm good at what I do and I get paid very well for it.

"The police force says that it was something he left on the stove and the electric wires that came in connection with the fire that caused the explosion, but it's a lie. I know damn well that my father doesn't touch the stove for anything. I had my men look into and turns out it was a C4 bomb that caused the explosion." He looks me square in the eyes. "My father was murdered."

Oh, wow, now that's something exciting.

"I want one of you to find who did this and whoever finds the killer will get 5 million." He states. "Once he's found, bring him to me."

Well, Marko, you got my business.

"You are all dismissed." He says. "If you need me, you know where to find me." He grabs his phone, probably making a call.

Walking back to my car I knew it was time I get back to business, and I know where to start first.


Hey lovies👋👋

Forgive me please🙏, I know this chapter is lame, boring, short and all of that shebang. I promise the next chapter will be so much better or....(I just this idea right now.) On the next chapter if you still don't like it then you guys can change it up, what would you guys have written for the next chapter and then you can send it to me. Or I don't know you can do whatever you what with it if you don't want to send it to me. I'm just trying to spark some creativity.

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