Chapter 14 - Grace or Nightmare?

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I can not believe what Emily told me a month ago. She actually just considered me as a stranger now. I know that I said I want nothing to do with her. But spending a few months with her actually making me feel hurt by that.

It's been total a month of us living in the same roof but not really talking to eachother. And my parents are curious as to why Emily is now back to work again. Cause she once said that she'd leave the office work once she's married and focus on our new little family. My face scrunched at the thoughts of 'our little family,'

She ignored me at all. Eventho we stay in the same room, she made me sleep on the sofa everynight! At first she told my mum that she wanted to stay at a different room, but she doesn't want my parents to suggest anything is going. So she refused the idea after. And my last one month sleep is not good at all. I would always thinking of moving to my bed again with Emily on it. But still I wouldn't do that to Gemma.

Talking about Gemma, I have lost all contact to her, my dad actually kept his words and I cannot be more furious. I am at the state where I don't know who I should be mad to, Emily or my parents?

But I was also hurting Emily physically. I don't even know who I am anymore. I feel like a monster, but still everytime I see her, I feel like she takes away all my freedom. I can't even stay at my own home now. Instead my parents asked me to stay with them again. I had started to live on my own since I was 20. And now out of nowhere she just made my parents against me.

I hated Emily for that. But never have I ever thought that I would lay my hands on her. And I'm not proud of that. Everytime I see her now feels like I have hurting a soul. She actually flinch everytime she saw me.


"Emily, come on, it's been a month since I slept on this odd sofa. Let me sleep on my bed again please?" I plead for the nth time.

She shook her head no, "you know exactly what I would tell you, so no Aaron. Can't you just leave me the fuck alone? I'm tired of working. It was a stressing day!" She exclaim.

I look at her dumbfounded, "well you know I didn't ask you to back to work again, it is what you wanted. So don't complain it in front of me." I said.

She laughed, "yes, back to work again is my decision. Cause I have been so blind that this marriage would actually work in one way or another. So I sacrificed my life only to be cheated on.." she said but I cut her off.

"You know damn well it is not cheating," I said

"It is Aaron, you are tied to me. You married me. And I married you. We made a vow for the marriage. You didn't just go and cheated with your ex, not to say that you also signed a contract that there should be no other women."she snapped back. "Not to mention even getting the homewrecker pregnant," she said again.

I looked at her, "Seriously Emily? You just showed me your true colors! I thought you were that smart girl that know how a contract works!" I said calmly.

"So you basically just told me that I am stupid? Yes I was stupid to not back away from that marriage. That hurtful and hateful marriage. I was like a punching bag to you. I don't know what to expect from a man like you. That's why I started to realize that I can do much better than you. And I deserve a much better man than you, Aaron, then why won't you sign the damn divorce paper!" she snapped again.

"I might ever lost my control over you, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a good human. You asked for that treatment you know!" I snapped back.

She laugh, "What did you say? It doesn't mean you are not a good human? Let me remind you, a man who just slapped other people without consent, take advantages of me, then trying to kill me? And now you are complaining to me that I was the one who don't know how the contract works? How can I ask for that treatment? You torture me!" She said.

"I was dumb, s...." She didn't finished up cause then she ran to the bathroom. Vomitting I heard.

I ran up behind her, as I held her hair while she vomit. "What happened? Did you eat something wrong?" I asked. As I rubbed her back softly with my other hand.

She walked back into our room with me following behind her. "Are you Ok?" I asked her, "ugh I guess I ate some stale food that has been causing me vomitting since this afternoon," she said to herself and sitting again in her bed.

"Let's go see the doctor, I'll drive you, let me take you there," I said.

"I didn't ask for your advice, and I will see my doctor tomorrow. And now I need to sleep." She said.

"Or just call the doctor now?" I asked her

She looks at me dumfounded, "why are you so caring now Aaron? Woah I am really touch. You actually took a good care of me. But I also think that you are really a good actor!" She said sarcastically.

Then I pulled her blanket back a little, "I do care about you Emily.." I said quitely. "I know I have treated you so bad, but I want to change. Let's be friend." I continued.

"That is what you said at the beginning." She started. "And it surely doesn't work that way."she continued.

I rubbed my forehead. Why do I suddenly feel so hurt by her words. I shook my head and let thought go. Trying to change the topic.
"won't you consider me to sleep there? My back is already hurt by sleeping on the sofa." I said

"No, Aaron. Go away don't disturb my sleep, go look for your girlfriend instead!" she said.

"Emily," I said sternly.

No answer.


No answer again.

"Emily," I tried for the 3rd time still no answer so I decided to back to the sofa. Don't even know what did I do to deserve this.



"Are you sure you are okay Emily? You have been vomitting since you woke up," my mum said to Emily, it's been 3 times she excused herself from breakfast to vomit.

"I don't know, I have been feeling nausea since I woke up," she said.

"And has been vomitting since yesterday afternoon," I said. "I have told her that she should see doctor yesterday. But she insist on going there today. I'll drive her." I continued. As I hold Emily's hand in mine. She looked at me without any expression and I just smiled at hee as I squeeze her hand.

My mum look at my dad then back to Emily smiling. I saw my dad is also smiling too, "why are you both smiling?" I asked. "She is not feeling well." I continued.

"Don't you get it? She's been feeling nausea and has been vomitting, it might be the sign that she's pregnant!" My mum said cheerfully.

All the colors drained from my face, then I looked at Emily, saw her face pale and shock.

God, please don't let it be.

I prayed silently. I can not let that to happen right?


Words count: 1328 words

That it is for chapter 14! Hope you all enjoy it, don't forget to hit votes + comments to show some feedback.
Ciao, Shintya💙

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