Chapter 10 - Mother's love

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"Emily, I'm so sorry for what Aaron did to you. I resent him for doing that to you, if you want to file for a divorce then I understand, you shouldn't stay. I won't let you stay in a hateful marriage," my mother in law said once she stepped into my room and hugged me.

I hugged her back, "mum.. I don't know what to do, I'm-I'm so scared," I said and sat down on my bed. "I never know how dangerous he is until.. until that night." I sobbed

Then she also sat down, her hand brush my hair softly, "Emily, there's nothing you should be afraid of. You know that right? You'll get our full support." She said.

I shook my head no, "no I have every reason why I'm afraid." I said and sighed. She just looked at me waiting for me to explain it to her.

Then I silently cursed at myself. She doesn't know about the contract marriage Aaron and I made.

"First it's Gemma..." I said but then she cut me off, "hey hey you shouldn't be afraid of her. You are better than her. She's a homewrecker, We can pratically say she's a mistress," she said.

To say that I'm kinda shock from how she reacted is an understatement and she just acknowledge me better and start to explain, "Aaron just told us that he got Gemma pregnant. And believe me both his dad and I are so dissapointed with him. You didn't deserve that Emily. And we won't ask you to stay for Aaron." She said.

I looked at her, "mum, Aaron loves her I know that, she's been in his life for so long. He doesn't love me that's why I am thinking we should separate" I said and I just burst into tears.

She hugged me while I'm sobbing. "I know Aaron didn't love me, but Aaron  getting another woman pregnant while he's tied to me hurt me so much. Not mentioning that he took out his anger to me by sleep or can-can I say he basically raped me when he was drunk? How can I'm not scared? I was raped by my husband, I'm truly scared. I don't even know what I did wrong to even deserve this." I said while crying shamelessly in front of my mother in law.

She hugged me tight, "Emily you know I love you just like you are my own. I have always waiting for the marriage since both you and Aaron were kids. And when you both agreed to marry eachother I cannot be happier. I feel like my son is marrying the right woman. My bestfriend's daughter. I feel like God has been so good to both Aaron's dad and I. Also to your parents. That's why I never agree with the relationship that Aaron had with Gemma. And I'm so sorry that Aaron did that nasty thing to you. I truly resent him for doing that. I have tried my best. I've asked Aaron to abort his kid..." She said but this time I'm the one that cut her off.

"No, no please don't. Don't ask him to abort his kid. Every kid shouldn't have their life to be taken away just because of their parents' fault. Please don't asked Aaron or Gemma do that. Please don't." I said.

Then she looked at me smiling, "look at you Emily. You are still thinking about other's feeling. You even take the side of the woman that's sleeping with your husband. Aaron has  agreed to that. Cause I can't put you into the position, Emily. I love you so much, and I know how much it hurt you, you shouldn't settle for less than what you deserve, even if you get separated from Aaron, I know you will find someone who's better than him." She said.

Then I put my head on her shoulder. "Keep this from my family" I said.

"What?!" She said.

I looked at her, "please keep this from my family, I don't want any of them know about Aaron's affair. Especially from my brother. Cause I know he would take it to another level. I don't want anyone getting hurt by that." I said. Then now it is time my mother in law shed her tears she has been trying to hold.

"Emily, Aaron really doesn't deserve you.. I apologize on his behalf." She said and hug me.

"Mum it's ok, I don't want my parents to regret what they did. I shouldn't agree on this marriage since the very start. It is all my fault. And the second one is, mum I'm afraid what if I got pregnant too? It was.. it was my first time and Aaron was drunk, he didn't use protection.." I said groggily.

She looked at me, "Emily calm down, if you were pregnant, then I'm the first person that is super happy about that. Don't stress yourself on that. Ok?" She said.

And I nodded. "And please mum, don't tell my family about Aaron's affair. Let's just keep it to us only." I said then she nodded.

"I really wished we could tell them instead, and let's see what Aaron would get from that cause I am really dissapointed with my son," she said.

Words count: 910 words

Woahh, that is the chapter 10. Hope you all enjoy it. Don't forget to hit the votes,

Ciao, Shintya 💙

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