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Hi, sorry for the late update guys. This is the part where we'll have the Aaron's Point of View. And hope so in the next Part we'll be having the Emily's point of view, I'll try my best to update more often guys! Hehe enjoy!!


2 months later

• Aaron's POV •

Today is the day I'm going to get married to Emily. Being her fiancé for 2 months make me realize lots of things.

One thing I know for sure is that she is this one unbreakable person. She stands strong in front of her family. Though I still couldn't accept her. As a fiancé or now as my wife.

She always pretends that everything is ok between us. And I thank her for that. It was like a good show. Her brother once came to talk to me after our engagement party.


"Woah, look what brought this Joseph Fransico coming to talk to me," I said sarcastically.

A smirk appeared in his face, "I know your reputation Eduardo," he said. I stunned for a few seconds.

"What reputation that you mean Fransisco?" I asked.

He smirk again, damn this guy in front of me really get my nerve.

"Playing with girls heart, get them to be in your bed, entertain you? Isn't that trick is a lil bit too odd for you already? A soon heir of Eduardo corporation sleeps around every nights?" He asked.

"What the hell were you talking about?" I asked.

"I made my research man, that woman you are going to get married is not the same as those sluts you get in the clubs. She is my sister, you playing with her heart, you mess with me." He said then leave me.

Flashback over..


My mum come in my room and pat my shoulder.

"Aaron, I'm so proud of you." She said.

I hug her tightly, "no need to thank me mum." I told her. Sometimes my mum easily get emotional.

She smiled sweetly at me. "Emily is a nice woman Aaron. Treat her right. You won't regret marrying her. Mama promise you," she said.

"But still mum, you know who I want to be with. Gemma. Not Emily. It is basically, you and dad force me in to this," I said kinda mad.

My mum sighed, "seriously Aaron! We're over that relationship of yours. You know Gemma only wants the fame and wealth, she doesn't love you," My mum said.

I shook my head, really didn't expect my mum to still believing in that crap, I'd been in relationship for years with Gemma, and surely she loves me. She adores my personality.

"No mum, you do not know about Gemma well, and I know her pretty well. She is educated and she doesn't give a fuck about the money I have," I said.

My emotion really get the best of me. I cannot control it when somebody say something bad about my love ones. And in this case I truly do love Gemma. And I love my mum too, I just don't understand why my mum would compare Emily and Gemma.

Gemma is thousands times better for me. And she has my heart too. I love Gemma, and I would still do anything to protect her, even when our relationship is broken right now. I still  believe that in one way or another I would get back to her. And yes, that is a promise to myself.

My mum then said, "wow! Watch your words big guy, you are talking to your mum, not your maid. I might still not have the prove for my words, but you will see about that, Aaron, mark my words. And Emily is also an educated woman, starting her own business too. She is a designer, and she do designs her own wedding dress."

I laugh, "but still she isn't interesting to me," I said.

"Whatever, you get ready, we're off to the church in 2 hours," my mum said then  going to leave my room.

But I stop her with my words, "you know mum, I might marry the woman you and dad choose for me, but I will always and only love Gemma. And I'm sorry about that." I said.

"You're getting married today. Forget about Gemma, broke up with her. And start your new life with Emily. End of discussion!" My mum said.

"I already broke up with her. But that doesn't mean I'll just fall for Emily just like that." I told my mum.

My mum didn't say anything, not even looking back at me, she just shook her head, then leave.

I sat down in my bed, and thinking would Gemma still want me if I'm a married man? Would I still have her as my girlfriend? Then I shook my head, Emily wouldn't agree of that.

I was so ready to start the future with Gemma, but we argue and break up, and out of nowhere my parents just decided to arrange a marriage of me with their bestfriends with blackmailing me  that I would only be the CEO and heir of Eduardo if I'm agree to marry their bestfriend's daughter.

I don't know what happen to my life in less than half a year. I got up, then got ready, and going to wear my tuxedo, and style my hair.

"You do this to be a CEO, Gemma's gonna forgive you for this." I told myself confidently.

Words count: 961 words

Hi, thank you for reading this, so yeah this is the part 1 of Wedding parts, I guess and hope that I'll be having like 3 parts of it. Which will consist of Aaron's Point of view, Emily's Point of view, and the Writer's Point of view.


Shintya Theresha

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