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• Aaron's POV •

It has been 2 days since I met Emily. I had called her earlier today telling her that the contract for our arranged marriage is finally made and finished

I had asked my lawyer to make it. And he called me yesterday telling me it is finalized today. So, now I'm heading out to lunch and have a meeting with Emily and my lawyer.

"Jessica, I'm going out for lunch and  please clear all of my today's schedule, and I'm not coming back here. If my dad asked you about me, just tell him that I'm going to have lunch with Emily." I said to my personal assistant. She nodded her head.


• Emily's POV •

It has been a hard 2 days of my life. Never did I imagine that I'll get married not with love but more like to fulfilling my parents' wish.

Well I mean looking at how good looking Aaron is surely going to make me fall in love with him.

But I just  want something that happened naturally, not something that is being pushed to me.

I still don't know whether what I do is right or wrong. But I strongly believe, Aaron and I might get to somewhere if we live with eachother.

Am I dreaming now?

Suddenly feel like I'm so ready for this arranged marriage?


I just got out from my car heading in to a restaurant. With my

"Ma'am do you have a reservation here?" A waiter asked me

I nodded my head, "yes on Aaron Eduardo," I said.

"Oh, Mr. Eduardo just arrived, let me take you to his table." The waiter said and lead me the way.

"Sorry I'm a lil bit late," I said as I took a seat in front of Aaron and his lawyer I guess.

"Oh hey Emily, yeah it is okay, let's discuss it," Aaron said.

Before starting to discuss we decided to have a lunch first, I ordered a carbonara spaghetti, while Aaron ordered a medium-rare steak.

After done with our lunch, Aaron's lawyer finally take out the whole contract marriage files.

"So miss Fransisco, here in the contract, it said that you and Mr. Eduardo will be married for 5 years and in those 5 years, you both will live in the same house, but will not have any kind of romance related relation with eachother," the lawyer started.

I nodded my head, it feels wrong but I cannot do other than agree, I at least didn't want to dissapoint my dad and mum, but is it a wrong move to take?

"And in those 5 years you both can date or be in a relationship with other people, which is mean that you both are only tied to eachother on a paper only," the lawyer continued.

"What? What do you mean both of us can date? Isn't it kinda broke the vows we will make in front of the priest?" I asked confused.

Then Aaron look at me, "Emily, it won't remember this is not a real marriage,  we both are forced to this," he said.

"But the promises we're going to make in front of the priest are not only joking, we're going to promise in front of God, I cannot and I don't agree to that," I argue back.

"Well, it's up to you Emily, but I won't stay commited to this marriage, just for you know, I have my own needs that needed to be fulfilled," Aaron said.

I shook my head in disbelief how can he be this not respectful for the wishes he's going to make. But me I will stand on my ground. I won't date any other guy while I'm married to someone.

"Well it's either we're agree on no dating other people or let's just forget this whole shit." I said.

Aaron looked at me shocked, "so you will just leave your boyfriend for this whole contract marriage?" He asked.

"Well, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, but even if I have one, I will leave him, cause he deserves more than just being in a relationship with someone that is married to another man. I'm not a selfish person," I said.

"But I can not leave my girlfriend," he said.

"It's not my problem. Either you leave her, get married to me, or just be with her, but you can forget about us getting married." I said persistently. I don't want to settle with someone who's going to be dating other woman.

"I'll leave my girlfriend." He said quitely.

The whole meeting to discuss the contract marriage went well, a lot surprise coming in my way, but I'm sure I'm going to work it out.

"So, we are done for the discussion, and you miss Francisco, you can sign here," the lawyer said and tell me where to sign the contract.

"And Mr. Eduardo, you can sign here," the lawyer said to Aaron.

When Aaron finally sign the contract, I felt like a weight is being put on my back. I'm going to live and married for a contract marriage for the next 5 years.

"Emily, thank you for your time today, I hope we are going to be friends since this marriage is only gonna last for 5 years, I surely am it is not a long time to go," Aaron said.

I nodded my head, "yeah Aaron, I believe that, and as how I said it, Neither of us can have a relationship with other people as long as we are legally married." I said.

I just don't think I can keep going if I see that he has a girlfriend. Hate to say it, but what if I fell for him in the time? I don't want to share him with anybody else of course.

He is so good looking and just this gorgeous. Have an intimidating stares. Ugh, why I even start with this fangirling with my contract marriage's husband again?

I stood up from my seat, and said, "well, the meeting is done now, if you both will excuse me, I'm going to go now, thank you for the time," I said and decided to shook Aaron and his Lawyer's hand.

"Thank you miss Francisco," the lawyer said.

"Thank you Emily," Aaron said and look at me in the eyes.


Word counts: 1066

Chapter 2 is done!



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