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Bella's POV

I was sitting on the roof of Charlie's house. As soon as Rosalie left, I ran home. I didn't want to see the looks of sympathy thrown my way from all of the other Cullens. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, tugging my knees closer to my chest. I looked up at the sky silently.

"You okay, Izzy?" I felt Damon take a seat beside me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

"I thought she felt the same way," I said simply, a small frown forming on my face, "I guess I was wrong," I leaned my head against Damon's shoulder, closing my eyes, "Maybe I'm not meant for love. I should just give up trying to find it."

"Don't give up, yet, Isabella. I can see it on her face. In how she looks at you. She likes you," Damon said firmly, I felt his fingers run through my hair and I leaned closer to him.

"Then why did she run?"

"Maybe she's scared. Maybe she's unsure or worried. Who knows? Only she knows what's she's feeling. What I do know is that you can't give up. You have to keep trying. Keep fighting. You need her, Izzy. I can see it. She makes you more human. When you're around her, you light up. You come to life. I never saw such a look of peace on your face before like the one you had after you kissed her."

I sighed, "According to Jasper, she's my mate."


"Yeah, their kind of vampires have mates and I'm Rosalie's apparently."

"Wow, that's...that's cool," Damon said simply, and I snorted as I pulled out of his embrace.

"Don't get any ideas, Damon. I doubt it's the same for our kind. So I doubt you're Gilbert's mate," I said with a roll of my eyes.

Damon smirked and he offered a shrug of his shoulders, "A man could dream."

"I honestly don't know what you see in that girl," I rolled my eyes, "You have more chemistry with the witch than you do with Elena."

"BonBon will always hold a place in my heart," Damon offered a slight grin as he put a hand over his chest, "But there's something about Elena."

"The only thing Elena has going for her is the fact that she looks like Katerina," I said, "Other than that, she's a pretty boring person. You can do so much better, Damon."

Damon smirked at me playfully, "Like you?" He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned towards me. I quickly held a hand up and pushed him away by his face.

"I've already found my heart," I said with a roll of my eyes.

Damon chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "A man could dream," he repeated before he looked up, "Speaking of your heart."

I turned my head to see Rosalie now sitting on the other side of me. She looked at me silently before speaking, "Can we talk?"

"And that's my cue to leave," Damon rose to his feet as he looked down at me and Rosalie, "I'm gonna go raid Charlie's liquor cabinet," he said before he jumped off the roof and ran off into the house. 

I turned to look at Rosalie, and I lifted an eyebrow silently. It was silent between us. It took a while before any of us spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

I couldn't help it, I laughed as I shook my head. Soon Rosalie was joining in with me, and I swear that laugh had to have been music to my ears. It was already my favorite sound.

"What are you apologizing for?" Rosalie finally asked when our laughter died out. I offered a shrug of my shoulders.

"Kissing you. I should have asked first or I don't know, not have. Don't get me wrong. I wanted to kiss you. I've wanted to kiss you the first day I met you, but...I should have went about it differently."

Rosalie was silent for a moment as she looked down, "I'm not mad about the kiss. I'm not mad about anything really. I just...I'm scared. All of my life, I've sworn off trying to find happiness. Because I was searching for it when I was young, it was the cause of my death," she sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, "But...Emmett told me something earlier. He told me that I deserved to be happy, and that this was my shot," she looked at me, "You were my chance."

I remained quiet, giving her the chance to speak. She sighed again as she looked away from me, "I'm scared that if I finally start to be happy, you'll leave...or you'll realize there is something better for you out there."

I frowned at her words and I grabbed her hand in my own, lacing our fingers together, "There's nothing better for me. Trust me, I know. And if your fear is that I'm going to leave you, then...think again. As soon as Jasper told me what this," I motioned between us, "Was. I decided I'd do anything I could to fight for us. I'll even take on my brother if I have to. I'm done running, Rosalie. I've finally found somewhere I belong. I'm not going anywhere."

Rosalie looked at me, a small smile forming on her face, and I vowed then and there I'd do everything I could to keep that smile there, "I'm sorry for running," she said.

"You can run all you want so long as you know I'll eventually catch you. I'm never giving up."

"Never?" She quirked an eyebrow, and I smirked slightly as I offered a shrug of my shoulders.

"I mean unless you get your hands on a white oak stake and threaten to kill me, then maybe I may just give up."

She scoffed as she nudged me with her shoulder, and I chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her close to me.

"I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, Hale," I grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh goodie," she mumbled before leaning in to press her lips firmly against mine. The kiss was short, sweet, and to the point. She pulled away not even two seconds letter and looked at me, "You better know what you're getting yourself into Mikaelson. I'm not easy catch."

I shrugged casually, "I like the hunt."

"Yeah?" She quirked an eyebrow as she slipped from my grasp, "Well, you better come catch me then," she jumped off the roof and took off running into the woods.

I laughed as I jumped off the roof and ran off after her, "I'll always catch you, Hale!" I called after.

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