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This school was annoying. I went through half of my day being hit on by various lustful teenage boys and offered fake friendships by various jealous teenage girls. It was annoying, and it almost made me wish that I was back in Mystic Falls. Almost.

It was now lunch time, and I sat at a table on my own with a tray of what I was to assume to be food. I poked at the mush with my fork, a frown on my face. I'd just hunt and eat later. This food did not look edible at all. I sat back in my seat, closing my eyes silently.

I heard movement and the sounds of two chairs scraping against the ground, and this caused me to open my eyes slowly. I lifted an eyebrow when I saw the bronze haired kid, and pixie of a girl sitting down in front of me. I crossed my arms against my chest as I slowly took my sunglasses off, "Can I help you?" I questioned curiously.

"Yes! We heard you're new here, and we wanted to get to know!" The pixie of a girl spoke happily, "I'm Alice Cullen and this is my brother Edward." Cullen. I had heard that name before. Alice motioned towards the bronze haired kid, who was staring at me with a look of annoyance. I lifted an eyebrow as I returned his look. His jaw clenched tightly as he looked at me.

"I can't read you," he snarled, and I lifted the corner of my mouth in a half smirk.

"I'm hard to read," I countered, and this just seemed to piss him off even more. Good. I wasn't sure what I did to piss him off, but I was completely satisfied with the fact that I did. Much like brother, I enjoyed angering people. I turned to look back at Alice, who cleared her throat.

"We noticed you were sitting on your own and we were wondering if you wanted to sit with my family and I," Alice pointed over towards a table in the back of the room, that held the two blondes and the big bear guy. They all stared at her with different expression. The blonde girl looked irritated, the blonde boy looked curious, and the bear man just grinned.

I looked back at Alice, "I think I'm fine right here," I said simply. Alice pouted at me, her eyes narrowed, and I had to admit it was one of the most adorable sights I'd ever seen. Not even Rebekah could pout like that, and almost make me want to cave. Almost, "Next time, Pixie."

Alice perked up at me words and a soft, yet excited smile appeared on her face, "Really?! Okay! I'll hold you to it!" Alice said happily, and I gaped at her silently. What had I gotten myself into?

Alice giggled happily before standing up from her seat, grabbing her brother's arm, and dragging him off towards their table. I watched them silently for a moment, a frown on my face. They were definitely not human. No human could walk with the grace that Alice did, and I had never seen a human as beautiful as them either. It was a little disturbing. They reminded me of a man I met long ago in 1796.

He had the same beauty as they had and those very same golden eyes. I had spent a year and half of my life with him before traveling on in fear of Klaus finding me. Niklaus never wanted our family to be happy, he would destroy any lick of happiness we found. Whether that be in our companions or ourselves. I had spent a century locked in a coffin with a dagger in my chest because of my dear old brother.

I didn't want to see the man I had found friendship with harmed because of my idiot brother, and I knew Klaus was closing in on finding me so I ran. I hadn't seen him since, but I never forgot him. He was the one to show me that it was possible to survive on animal blood. I still drink human blood to maintain my strength and keep my abilites strong, but I much prefer to hunt animals if it means I don't have to kill humans.

I decided I wanted to know more about these Cullens. They intrigued me, and so I closed my eyes and concentrated on hearing just them in the loud cafeteria.

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