Another One Bites the Dust

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4th January 2017
Prague, 3:00 am
Robert read the letter that he just received. He started laughing after reading it. Morning at seven he changed his clothes and left for the airport. He called Jordan on his way to the airport. Jordan was busy interrogating the people who were caught. Jordan picked up the phone and said, “Yes sir.” Robert was able to hear the person who was being interrogated, he said, “No need to hit them now. Take some rest my lad. All information that is necessary is provided to us now.” –“What are you saying?”-“Nothing, I wanted to tell you that I won’t be there today. Take care.” Before Jordan would ask for the reason Robert hung up the phone.
The last day of their struggle with the unjust world arose. The three of them got ready and got in the van that Morgan had arranged. They got in the van in normal clothes on top; but they were all military pants and boots. Morgan was driving them to Cuttings’ house that was in the forest. The forest was five miles to the north of the city. After a check post Morgan asked them to change their clothes.
Morgan stopped the car as they reached near their target. They were all ready to battle. Stephen had put a gun and a knife in his socks, a gun tucked in his pant behind. He had worn a belt that was decorated with three or two grenades. Another knife was beside his pocket. Diana also had same equipments and a long rope was around her shoulder. Morgan was not a fighter man. The house was surrounded by slopes that were upwards and trees. It was like a scoop of mud was removed out from the ground and in the centre the house was built. The house was not so luxurious, but there was helipad at the entrance. Stephen and Morgan, according to the plan, had to go on either side of the house and then clear up the way for Diana to get in. The two of them took their long snipers and got into positions. Diana had a water bottle that she emptied on the ground and then she soaked her shoe in the obtained mud. She triggered a button and then threw it in the van, it was not a bomb or something. It was just a signal to tell that it has started!
Diana was on the back side of the house and the two of them on either sides. All of them were hiding in trees. There were security guards all around the house just inspecting and doing nothing else the whole time. Morgan said to himself as he observed the guards, “My God! Don’t the get bored doing this the whole day. Well anyways, you won’t have to do it anymore now.” The two of them started taking down the guards one by one. The guards were all spread over the and near the house, none of them noticed the disappearing of the other. Slowly all of them were shot. Diana was able to see the two of them. She Received Morgan’s signal. After a while when Stephen put a thumb up she was good to go. Cuttings was watching the three of them through cameras.
She tied all her hair back and then threw the rope on the branch that was neat to the roof. With the help of the rope she swung from the ground landed on the roof. She found her way into the building. Wherever she went she left a mark there, her muddy shoes left a mark on the ground. Stephen quickly climbed on one of the branch that led him towards the window. Diana opened the window for him and then he jumped in. Morgan was not going in the house. Diana and Stephen walked in the house without moving away from the walls. Cuttings was watching them. They were not getting any place to find their target. The house had some staircase. They climbed those up and then entered a huge room something was kept on the table that was in the centre and light coming from the window focused there. The rest of the room was dark. They went and opened it. It read ‘WELCOME’. Suddenly the room was filled with lights and there were guards standing around the walls. They understood that Cuttings knew that they were coming. Stephen exclaimed, “Oh no!” Morgan heard him due to the Bluetooth that all had. He asked, “Is everything alright?” Diana answered, “Doesn’t seem like that.”
The guards slowly began to come forwards. Diana and Stephen quickly got weapons out and stood behind each other. Diana tod her uncle, “Some help would be nice.” The guards got more close, they all had some short sticks with a handle. Stephen said quickly, “Defend yourself with your knife and watch my back with the gun.” “Ya same to you” she said and then she cut the throat of the first person who tried to attack her. Both of them started fighting with the guards. They were outnumbered. Diana, while defending herself, saw that a guard was going to strike at her partner from behind. She immediately burst his head open. Stephen was a street fighter. But he faced difficulties here because the combat was not one on one. He was using his knife very well! After getting rid of two or three guards he used to shoot whoever was around Diana. 
One guard struck Stephen hard on his stomach. He bent down that time. His face was about to get kicked by the guard; but he quickly kicked the guard’s other leg that was on ground. The guard fell down. He immediately shot him dead. He noticed another guard was going to strike him from behind; he quickly stepped aside as the guard came closer, bent down and without turning banged his elbow between the guard’s thighs. The guard, as a result of the hit, bent down. With the same hand Stephen struck his nose and then stabbed his knife in the guard’s stomach. Few guards came together this time, Stephen could not handle them. He got a cut on his right cheek. Diana helped him by shooting those few of them. 
Diana was not able to deal with the knife. She threw it on one of the guard’s forehead and then took his stick. She swung her stick in any direction and people got severely injured. A person kicked her down and hr stick fell her face was on the ground. A guard put his knee on her back and then pulled her head up. Another guard kicked her stomach. She was helpless until a bullet broke the glass of the window that was there and shot the person sitting on her. It was Morgan, he had changed his position and luckily he was able to help his people by shooting the guards from outside. The guard kicking her got a tight kick on his face after Diana got up. His face got decorated with all the wet mud. She took her stick back and then smashed the face of a person whoever came ahead of her. While near the wall two people held her from behind. She got her feet on the wall, took them up and then she landed behind the two guys. Before the two would understand what just happened she banged their faces to each others’.
It was strange but the outnumbered people were losing. Only two people were in one team inside and the rest were their opponents. Morgan kept on shooting at sight. They continued to fight. Diana was about to shoot a person beside Stephen when she got hit with a stick on her hand in which she held the gun. The bullet that was aimed at the guard went in Stephen’s thigh. He fell down and guards smashed him hard. Diana was shocked at what happened and then a guard struck her face with the edge of the stick. She also fell down. The remaining guards continued hitting them mercilessly till Cuttings asked them to stop.  
Both of them got up after a while. They were sitting on a wooden chair with their hand tied on the hand rest. Morgan was also caught. Their chairs were close to each other. They were in some different room. Mr. Cuttings was right ahead of them. His back was facing them. And he had the CCTV surveillance ahead of him. Diana’s nose was bleeding and her face between her left eye and left ear was bleeding. Stephen had many cuts and bruises on his arms and shoulder, a bullet was in his right thigh and the corner of his lip was bleeding. Morgan was good as new. Cutting turned to face the three of them. 
A helicopter landed on Cuttings’ helipad near his house. Few policemen got out and then Robert got out last with the Commissioner of Berlin. They went in the house and then saw Diana’s shoe marks. He followed them and then ended up in a big room, many guards were dead there. He saw some blood marks. He and his team followed the blood and they reached a closed door. They exploded the door and went in. They saw a man was getting beaten up by a man and a woman and another was just standing next to them. Robert knew them, they were Diana and Stephen.
Before the chopper landed Cutting had turned to face them and then he walked to wards them. He kept on taunting Diana and Stephen about how their loved ones’ screamed before their deaths. This was doing nothing else but provoking their anger. Cutting had done a mistake by making them sit close to each other. As Cuttings turned his back towards them Morgan, who was on Stephen’s right opened the knot on his right and hand and Diana did the left side. Stephen picked up his chair and banged it on Cuttings head. 
The cops immediately stopped them from hitting the poor fellow. His face was all bleeding his half the bones were broken. Robert went towards Cuttings and slapped him hard. He dragged him to one corner and said, “Do you want to become a free man?” Cuttings was all beaten up and scared. He quickly said, “Yes please forgive me. Please.” Robert asked him, “You have only one way. Tell us about every single detail of all the crimes you and your partners do.” Robert started the video camera as Cuttings agreed to live. Robert said, “Don’t forget Drake and Steve, okay?” He started speaking and everything was recorded. The commissioner of Berlin said after the video was recorded, “Now we have all the evidences that are necessary to arrest a person, so Mr. Cuttings you are under arrest.” Cuttings shouted, “What? You can’t….you can’t do this to me.” Berlin’s commissioner whispered into his ear, “Oh yes…we can.”
One of the cop on his commissioner’s command got ready to shoot Cuttings. Diana got in his way and said, “Stop. I have a better idea.” Stephen went to the Berlin’s commissioner and asked him, “What problem did you have with this guy?” he replied, “Oh it’s a long story…lets just say personal problems.” Stephen said, “Fair enough commissioner.” Morgan went towards Robert as the cops dragged Cuttings towards the roof. He said, “I don’t think we can just kill him like that.” Robert stopped and said, “Have you ever in your life come across a word called ‘encounter’?” Morgan understood what he meant. Robert and the Berlin cops were all there due to the letter that Diana had given to Robert. 
Morgan, Stephen, Diana, Robert, Berlin police all got into the helicopter. They had tied Cuttings on a chair and kept him on his terrace. The grenade belts that Diana and Stephen had were used to tie his hands and legs. The chopper got above the house and then Diana opened the helicopter door. Cuttings was screaming and pleading for mercy when all the people who he had harmed aimed at one grenade that was on his body from the chopper. The fired their bullets. Robert said to himself, “Another Bites The Dust “ as the grenades exploded. The helicopter was from a safe distance considering the blast.

Robert had got the video through which he could charge all the criminals in Prague.
Berlin’s commissioner had some unfinished business with Cuttings that was now finished. Morgan and Diana went back home and soon Diana got married. Stephen went back home with big chocolates for his son but still didn’t find out anyway to tell Peter about his mother.

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