A Generous Tip

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Prague, 1st January 2017

4:00 pm

Robert was sitting in his office. He had all the files about the on going cases on his desk. Jordan was with him and they were watching the hospital footage. Robert pointed towards Stephen and said, "Here this one, this guy caused all the problems. I had arrested her; but this one just took her away." Jordan asked, "Were you alone there or these cops were with you?" he replied in an irritated tone, "No I wasn't. But then you should have seen the type of people present with me up there. Foolish cops are just dumped in the department." Just then an officer knocked at the commissioner's door. Jordan asked him, "Yes, what's the matter?" he replied, "Sir, I found this letter whish was tied along the inner side of the hat that was on your face while you were unconscious." Jordan took that letter from him and opened it. It was handwritten. It read:

To the commissioner,

Sorry for all the trouble that you are going through. I had many reasons to kill Drake and those are personal. But in this letter I am giving you one solid reason that you will agree with or any other responsible citizen of not even the country but world would have agreed with. 'Mr. Drake' is a person who is respected by all, everyone thinks he deserves it. Even I thought he deserved it, but not for long. For the world he was hardworking and honest; but he did many things besides that. He traded with the rich people of other countries: he supplied them young girls and in turn they gave him money. He involved him selves in smuggling of drugs. He had started these businesses from a long time back. Believe it or not, this is the truth. He deserved death; you couldn't arrest him because you had no reason to. But then I decided to take things in my hands.

I know you won't believe this easily. So why don't you check it yourselves, go on the Palackho most bridge, then take a right, go straight till you reach the Na Libusince Street, then go on that street and follow the road. You will reach a dead end and there will be a ware house there. Go in it and you will find things out yourselves. My advice is, go there with a proper police force and be careful. The workers there are trained and armed. I hope you understand and once again sorry.

Thank you.

Jordan closed the letter after reading it to out his senior. Both of them were shocked. They decided to trust the writer of the letter and announced the information to their unit. The whole unit was preparing to go; everyone got in their bullet proof jackets, loaded their guns. Robert's unit was now ready to leave. They sat in the blue cars and started for the warehouse. The cars once again raced on the streets, they were not willing to waste time.

The roads in the city were all wet. Diana and Stephen checked out from the hotel that they were staying in, both were casually dressed; the lady wore a tight fitting black dress and a goggle and she was carrying her brief case. Stephen wore a yellow T-shirt, blue denim and he was carrying a new handbag. They both were heading to the airport. Diana had removed the bullet from her shoulder while she was in the hotel, it was not bleeding but still her arm movements were restricted. They both were walking on the street when Stephen saw the old man from whom he had borrowed the car that was drowned in the Vltava River. That man was three blocks away from Stephen. He said, "Go near the fifth block from here, I'll join you there."-"What happened?"-"Just go. I'll tell you there." He quickly went on the other street that was just parallel to the one on which they were walking. Diana crossed right across the man and on the fifth block Stephen joined her. "I had borrowed his car, the one that we were in on the bridge."-"I see"-"I told him that I would return him tomorrow." Diana suddenly stopped, Stephen asked her, "Why you stopping?" she pointed towards the T.V. that was in the shop. Both of their faces were being shown on the news channel as the people behind the two murders. Diana told him, "I'm sure the airport has T.V."-"Yes.... Oh no!"

Another One Bites The Dust! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora