A Tour Through The Rome Of The North

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The next day morning Mr. Drake’s car was found in one end of the city with his dead body in it. He was shot right in the centre of his forehead and his trousers were not on his body! There was no one else in the car. Back in the castle the police found the body of Drake’s driver but he was in the clothes of a security guard. The police didn’t get any CCTV footage. Due to lack of information the police didn’t do anything, most of them had given up. But Robert felt that the murderer had missed out something or must have did something wrong.  
Commissioner Robert never gave up so easily. He was a person in his early 40’s; he had some experience in the field of ‘detectives’. His heavy round fat body was resting on his chair in the police station. He was again and again going through the details of the investigations; he carefully read all the statements that people gave regarding the events of series that took place. He slowly began to freak out. The commissioner rang his call bell and an officer came in. He asked the officer, “Look Jordan, are you sure that you didn’t get any footage of the party?” Jordan replied, “Uh sir, we only got the footage of the party before the dance, nothing after that.”-“Oh, you mean you have some video, right?”-“Yes sir.” Robert angrily stared at Jordan and then banged his table and shouted, “So when were you going to tell me that, uh, NEXT YEAR may be?”-“Sorry sir.” He quickly got up from his chair, said “Come on now, you, start the car. We’ll be going to the castle.”
1st January 2017
12:00 pm 
There was a luxurious hotel, just two minutes away from The Prague Castle. Diana was staying in that hotel; on one of the top floors. She had a clear view of the main entrance of the castle. She sat on her bed there and switched on the television for news. All the news channels were going around one topic: ‘Millionaire murdered; but no suspects.’ A slight smile spread across her face and then she switched off the machine. She got up from her bed and moved towards the table, near the window, on which she had kept her brief case. She opened it and took out one photo out of that, it was Drake’s photo. His face was circled with a red marker. She took a lighter and burnt that photo, it soon turned into ashes. She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She then took another photo, took a red marker and then circled the face in that photo.

That photo was of Steve, Dr. Steve. He was working as a cardiologist in the Na Homolce Hospital. Diana went towards the cupboard and wore her creamish trench coat, then she placed a round creamish hat on her long black hair, she applied her red lipstick and then again went towards the window. She looked out and saw a police car entering the castle. Robert and an officer stepped out. The weather was becoming cloudy, it could rain any time. She quickly got in her long black boots, took the gun from her bag and kept it in her inner pocket of the coat. Within no time she was out of the hotel. The climate there started to become windy.

The Na Homolce Hospital was busy the whole day. People came in and went out, the whole time. In front of the hospital gate, right across the road a man was facing the hospital. He was formally dressed; he wore a light blue shirt that fit him perfectly, he wore black trouser, black shoes, his hair were neatly combed and he carried a hand bag. He looked up at the top of the hospital, he saw Dr. Steve through the window glass. Steve was standing near the window facing the beautiful city and talking on his cell phone. The man crossed the road and was about to enter the hospital when he saw that few small plants were planted besides him on one side of the footpath along the hospital wall. He got his spectacle out from his handbag, wore it and then stepped in the hospital. He went towards the receptionist and spoke in a very serious tone, “Hi, I’m Bond, James Bond.” The receptionist looked at him confused and raised her eyebrow. He then laughed and said, “Just kidding, I’m Stephen.” Receptionist smiled and let out a faint shy. Stephen continued, “I have an appointment with Dr. Steve. Shall I go?”-“Let me check…..yes he is expecting you now. His office is on the fourth floor to your… ” She was interrupted “Thanks I actually know where his office his. Thank you.”

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