Chapter 13

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The reception desk was busy. The casino was an extension of the hotel which took up the remainder of the twenty-story building and the grandiose foyer was filled with guests. I nervously stood at the back of the line and waited tapping my foot on the floor until I reached the front. The woman at the counter forced a worn-out smile when she greeted me. I told her I was Alecia Harper and gave her my fake identification in the same name.

She was expecting me because she pulled out a room key, advised me that my luggage was already in my room and gushed out the usual spill about where the facilities were and to enjoy my stay. I politely thanked her and ran away to the glass elevator.

"Go up to level three," Asher instructed evasively, not giving me any more information than that. When the elevator doors opened, I hurried in and pressed for level three and luckily, I was alone.

"What's in my luggage?" I asked suspiciously, I didn't know I had any luggage.

"Everything you will need to break into a vault." Right, I forgot I was about to break the law and go on a heist to steal millions of dollars. I ran my hand through my hair and I scrunched it into a fist when I saw it was shaking. I was starting to reconsider why I blindly placed all my trust in Asher, I hadn't even asked him the details about his plan for how I was going to break into this vault. I took a deep breath and when I exhaled the elevator doors opened. It didn't matter anyway; I was willing to do anything to save my mom's life.

"Your room is number twelve," Asher advised sternly, his voice was serious, all business. I walked down the hallway until I reached the suite door with number twelve written on the front. The key unlocked the door easily and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the extravagance of the room that I wasn't even staying it, let alone paying for. A rush of warmth heated my cheeks as I realised that Asher must have paid for it. I didn't know what to say because I couldn't offer to pay him back because there was no way I could afford it.

"You need to change into the clothes inside the bag," Asher instructed. I rushed into the room to find a gym bag lying on top of the king-sized bed and unzipped it hastily. Sitting at the top of the bag were black leggings and a tight fitted black jumper with a hood to conceal my identity. I changed quickly with fumbling hands, replacing my beautiful dress with my concealing criminal clothes. I cringed when I saw the final piece of my outfit, a black balaclava.

"Am I really doing this?" I fretted, running my hands down my face. I was not cut out for this lifestyle. If I make it through this alive, I am retiring to a farm in the middle of nowhere.

"Yes, you are," Asher insisted. I groaned as I pulled it over my head. Oh, if my mother saw me right now, she would have a heart attack. My limbs shuddered when I saw myself in the mirror, I looked like a robber, someone you would see in a movie not my life. I was literally apart of a gang already.

I strapped a small black bag around my waist which was surprisingly heavy, so there must be some sort of technology in there that was going to get me into a security tight vault. I refused to think about that thought anymore and left the room.

"I'm ready," I breathed as I opened the door cautiously and peaked my head out. I glanced up and down the corridor to see it empty.

"Good. Now go back into the elevator and just don't let anyone see you," Asher instructed and I raced out the hotel room. I darted down the hallway in a fast walk feeling ridiculous dressed in this balaclava in a fancy hotel.

"Don't wear the balaclava yet," Asher scolded me.

"Aren't I hiding from the cameras?" I deduced, annoyed as I quickly ripped it off and embarrassment reddened my cheeks.

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