Chapter 2

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The day had finally arrived. The day of my downfall. I would never recover from this. Well, that's what I was trying to not tell myself. The day had arrived where I started public school.

I had been trying to not think about this day for weeks. But I promised my mom that I would go back to school again. So, I was ready and dressed for class. I had an old back pack that my mom had brought from the Op shop. The twenty-minute walk to my new school passed entirely too quickly and when I caught sight of the school building, I froze.

Dread streamed through my blood like a hot flush and I heard my heart beating in my ears. There were so many students mingling around the front of the school and within its gates. The front of the school had the car park and just behind that was the gates that lead into the massive building. The building was old and the bricks were turning a red colour from the faded bricks. Through the gates of the school were hundreds of students milling around in the open quadrangle.

I took a deep calming breath, plucking up all the courage that had and began walking toward the school. I kept my head lowered as I approached the gates hoping that I wouldn't be noticed. But as I drew closer to the red building and towards the crowd of students, I start to see their heads turn in my direction. Whispers break out and that was when everyone turned to stare at me.

"Is that Cordelia Holland?" I heard repeated in outrage. The whispers were never ending and they just increased in volume and frequency as I walked through the crowds. I glanced up and my heart nearly jumped into my throat when I saw that everyone was staring at me. They weren't even trying to be discrete about it, they had turned around to glare at me with ice cold hated in their eyes. I inhaled a deep breath and began nearly running through the school grounds. When I reached the school building, I swung open the door so hard it nearly flew off.

When the door closed behind me, I ran my hands down my face. I knew this was going to happen. They hated me because I benefited from their suffering and loss. But I had to do this for mom. Steeling my mind, I began to search for the reception to collect my new timetable.

The school building was quite old, the floors were smeared with dirt and graffiti scoured the lockers. It was such a big change from my old school. Following walking down multiple corridors with no success, I decided to search for someone to ask for directions. I could only see students around and none of them were giving me very inviting looks. 

My eyes set on someone who wasn't already glaring at me, a short black-haired girl wearing glasses with her face in a book. She appeared nice enough. She looked a lot like my best friend from my old school with her tanned skin and Asian features and that eased my apprehension. I approached her hesitantly.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you would be able to tell me where the reception is?" I asked kindly. The girl snapped her head up and stared at me for a long moment before her eyes widened in shock. Then her expression turned ice cold and hateful. I backed away from her but I was too late.

"You're Cordelia Holland," she stated in a deathly growl like I was the devil reincarnate. She dropped her book, took off her glasses and moved so she was right in front of me. She didn't look so nice anymore. My breath hitched as I realised that everyone in the corridor had stopped what they were doing and was watching our disagreement.

"I'm sorry, I said anything," I quietly placated, just wanting the attention off me and to escape. My response seemed to ignite her fury even further.

"What do you think you're doing here? Do you think any of us want you here, you ruined our lives," she roared at me and angrily pushed me back by the shoulders. I stumbled backwards a few steps but managed to keep my footing. But my mouth fell open from her clear abuse.

When The Gang Leader's Son Hates YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang