I have published my other wattpad book

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Hi everyone, 

I am just posting on here to let you all know that I have just published a book that used to be on wattpad called Beloved Murderer and if anyone is interested in reading one of my published works you now can! 

Beloved Murderer is now available to buy as a paperback and on Kindle as an ebook :) 

If any of you amazing people would like to buy Beloved Murderer you can on your own countries Amazon page, on Kindle and a few other outlets I have added below. I have attached the link to the UK Amazon, but you might need to go onto your own countries Amazon page and just look up Beloved Murderer S.E. Falconer.

You can also buy it from Barnes and Noble, The Olympia Publishers Website (they ship worldwide), Waterstones and many other places. 

I cannot thank you all enough for your support for all my writing endeavours, if it wasn't for my wattpad readers I don't think I would have even written a book, let alone published one!

Please let me know what you think if you guys buy it :D I am a bit more active on instagram then on here so if you are interested in all up to date news please follow my instagram @s.e.falconer.


Much love, S.E. Falconer Xx

Amazon UK link:


Barnes and Noble link:


Olympia Publishers link:


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