Chapter 24

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I was standing in front of the TV with my hands clasped over my mouth. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

"Everyone please welcome the new city mayor, Neil Blaketon," the commentator announced into a microphone from the stage in the city square. The congregation of people who were below the stage were completely silent, the echo of the reticence speaking louder than any words could. Nigel ascended the stairs onto the stage and stood in front of the cheerless crowd, taking the microphone while grinning the entire time. 

"I promise to help this city become the best it can be. I promise to help those who need it and most of all I promise to rid this city of the evil threatening to destroy it," Neil declared exuberantly. My lip curled, he was the evil threatening to destroy it. 

The crowd remained silent as no one cheered. I grabbed the remote and angrily switched it off. The sudden silence in the room echoed the hollowness of how I felt inside. I crouched on the floor with my hands over my mouth. I couldn't believe it. Neil Blaketon was now mayor. No election, no campaign, none of the citizens knew a word about it. How did he do that?

He either bought his way into the job or threatened his way in. Now he has all the power over this whole city and I shuddered to think what he is going to do with it. 

The gang leader as our city mayor. I had to talk to Asher about this. Maybe he has some knowledge about what Nigel is planning. I had to find out and I had to stop him.


I decided to have an intervention with all my allies. Asher, Anila and I were all congregated in the library. Anila was stuffing a bagel into her mouth while she was repeatedly tapping on her computer with her forehead, impatient to wait for her hands to be free. Asher had his feet resting up on the small table between us as he smoked his vape in the library and flickered through a children's book with a rhino in a tutu on the front, he did not belong here. My narrowed eyes flickered between them unimpressed as I sat upside down on my chair, my brain worked better when I was looking at the world from a different view point. What a ruthless pack of allied we were.

It was strange to have Asher here with me. He was the reason I used to hide in the library in the first place. But everything has changed now and we had to stop the one thing that was left that was threatening to keep us apart. We all had one common enemy, Neil Blaketon. The thought of Neil Blaketon being in the same job that my father had exploited made me boil with fury. Just when I thought we couldn't get a worse mayor than my father.

"So, what's your father been up to lately?" Anila asked Asher bluntly cutting straight to the case, while dusting off the crumbs from her shirt. Asher's eyebrows raised shocked at her bluntness. I turned back around on my chair, so I could communicate in the conversation like a normal human being.

"He doesn't really tell me anything about what he gets up to. He just tells me to do jobs for him, no questions asked," Asher answered as he placed his book back on the shelf and ran a hand through his black hair. I tilted my head to the side as I listened to him, his answer made me realise that I really didn't know much about the jobs that Asher has been doing for his father in the gang other than robbing the service station.

"What type of jobs has he been asking you to do lately? Anything out of the ordinary?" I asked him curiously. Asher's eyes flickered to mine and he tapped his finger on his bottom lip as he thought that over, still staring right at me.

"Lately they have all been about getting money," he revealed. Neil must be desperate for money then, which made sense given he asked a eighteen year old girl to get him twenty million dollars. He must have known it was a lost cause but he still did it anyway.

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