Chapter 23

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Asher wasn't in the car park when I arrived but I noticed his car parked there. It was the car I crashed into. The scrape along the side was gone now. Showing no evidence of my fabulous driving. He did end up paying for it himself. My stomach fluttered when I realised that he had paid for it himself and never asked me for the money or even made me feel guilty about it since. I jumped up onto the hood of the car to sit and wait for him. My mind drifted to wonder where he was going to take me. I really hoped it wasn't some gang hideout with all his scary friends. 

"You have a really diabolical tendency to destroy this car," Asher says as he approached me with a flat deadpan look on his face. I smiled guiltily at him and jumped off the bonnet. I glanced back at the car see nothing wrong with it.

"See not a scratch." I grinned up at him. He just shook his head at me and opened the driver's door.

"Come on then." He nodded his head to the other side of the car. I jogged up to the passenger side and hopped in. My feet bouncing on the floor, I was a little too excited.

"How many vehicles do you own?" I asked as pulled my seat belt on. He started the engine and pulled out of the car park.

"This car and the stolen one are my fathers that I just use but motorbike is mine." Asher looked away from the road to wink at me. I had only seen him drive his motorbike once. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked, struggling to stay still in my seat I was so giddy.

"It's a surprise." Asher smirked at me and I groaned. I was not a fan of surprises.

"Aw come on, not even a clue," I begged. Asher glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, his lips pulling up into a cute smile. 

"Shush, be patient." Was all he revealed. I huffed and crossed my hand over my chest, sulking. He can be so infuriating. I looked over at his still smiling mouth and my eyes zoned in on the cute long dimple on the side of his mouth. But he can also be so sweet. Like drawing pictures for me.

"Was it you who drew that picture?" I asked curiously. Asher cut me a nervous look.

"Yes," he admitted, avoiding my eyes, digging his nail into the steering wheel. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at his curiously, he really didn't want to admit that.

"You are really good at it." I smiled widely, complementing him. Not wanting him to be embarrassed by that. 

"Thanks," he muttered and turned away from me, flustered. Why was he embarrassed? I would flaunt that skill, not hide it away.

"When did you learn?" I asked. I wanted to know more about him.

"I never really learned it, it's always been natural to me," he admitted, looking at me from the corner of his eye warily. 

"That's an amazing talent."

"Drawing is like an escape for me. I never think of anything other than where the next line is going." 

"I'd love to see some others," I say but instantly regret it. He doesn't reply.

We are silent after that and I looked out the window. We had turned off the freeway and were driving towards the ocean. Where was he taking me?

I decided to be a good passenger and wait patiently. It was hard, I bounced my foot repeatedly. Asher turned off the main road and down a pitchman track.

"I feel like you taking me into the woods to kill me," I confessed. There was a slight twitch of Asher's lips as I said this.

"Maybe I am," he replied with a devious smirk and I knew killing me was the last thing on his mind, by the way his eyes kept lingering on my legs and lips. Kissing would be a more viable option. 

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