chapter 8

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      It was silent. After fighting with Billie and begging her not to go and to leave my mother alone, I was exhausted. I was punished for disobeying and was changed into what she said was a 'presentable outfit' to see my mother. It was a cute red dress with some lace flowers. I sat in the car playing with the hem of my dress. I was scared for my mothers sake.

       Billie is seriously insane. She wanted to kill my mom cause she didn't like that I called her momma? Like what the fuck. That's just on another level of possessive. I turn to look at her, her hands gripping the steering wheel and jaw clenched. "What y/n" she spat not looking away from the road. "N-nothing mommy." I respond and look back down. "Better be" she muttered.

     I don't know why but her words made me tear up. Something about her being mad at me made me sad. I hear her sigh. We continue on the road for a while before I start to see stores and homes in familiar locations. This makes me nervous as I see my old neighborhood. We pull up to a tan two story home and I recognize the house. Obviously the house I grew up in. Billie parked the car in the driveway and turned to me.

     "You know what to do princess. Don't make mommy mad." She says. I nod and get out of the car. I slowly walk up to the brown door and ring the doorbell. "Coming!" I hear from inside. The door swings open and my mother gasps, "oh y/n! You're safe baby! Oh my baby you're alive!" She cries and hugs me. "How did you get here? I thought you said you were-" she asked but i cut her off, "Uber mom. I managed to escape and got an uber." I say forcing a smile. "Ooh im just glad you're okay. Come inside so we can talk and then we will go to the police with this." She says.

      I nod and she walks inside to the kitchen explaining that she was making dinner. "Ooh? What are you making?" I ask and i hear her talk about some of dads old favorites. I sigh and look at the door im still standing by. Step one, leave door unlocked. Check. I walk to the kitchen and see her get two plates ready. I smile, "You're the best, mom." I say. She laughs and shakes her head, "Thanks love." She replies. Step two keep her busy. I look at the stove checking the time 10:51 pm. Nine minutes remain.

     "Oh y/n im so glad to have you here again. If only your father was here too, it would be the entire family." She says tearing up. 10:58 pm. I force a smile, "Oh momma. Everything will be okay.. I can't do this! Mom I didn't escape! Shes here with me! And shes going to kill you! You have to run!" I say rushing. 10:59 pm. "Y/n? What are talking about hun?" She asks confused. "Momma we have to go! You have to go! Please just listen!" I cry. 11:00 pm. Step three kill her.

     Clapping is heard behind me, I cry harder and look at my mother who looks confused and scared. I don't dare turn around to face her. "What a cute little show y/n. But if I recall that wasn't in the plan baby." She says growling. "Who are you!? Are you the one that took my baby away!?" My mom yells, my eyes widen in fear. "Your baby? YOUR BABY?! She's mine! She's fucking mine!" Billie yells. I turn to face her and she pulls out her gun pointing it to my mom. I quickly stand up in front of my mom. "No! Mom! Go! Run!" I yell at her as Billies face becomes angrier. My mom runs out of the kitchen through the other way and up the stairs... God my mother is a fucking idiot! She could've taken the god damn back door right next to the fucking stairs!

      I face Billie who looks just as stunned as I am. "Your moms a dumbass you know that?" She says. "Yep. I know." I say gritting my teeth. Suddenly her expression changes back to angry and she glares at me. She storms up to me and slaps me hard. She then pushes me on the floor and glares down at me. I cry out in pain as her foot stomps on my stomach. "You never listen. Stay there bitch. Don't fucking move." She says heading up the stairs.

     I try to get up but the pain in my stomach is so unbearable. I hear shouts from upstairs. I had to save her, slowly but surely I manage to get up leaning against the wall. I make my way to the stairs and hold on to the railing for support, slowly going up. "You bitch! Leave me and my daughter alone!" I hear mom yell. I hear Billie laugh, "Shes mine. And you're gone." She says followed by a gun shot. I stand still at the top of the stairs everything going blank. No. No. "No! No! No! You! You fucking monster!" I yell rushing to my mothers body.

     I hold her head in my lap and her hand in mine. "Momma! Hey! Momma! Wake up! Please! Please! Stop playing momma! Please!" I sob out. "Please." Im yanked off the floor causing my mothers head to hit the floor with a loud thud. I wince at the noise. "Lets go." She says her grip tightening. "No! Let me go! Momma! Please! I know you're alive!" I yell. Im going insane. How could she? No. Shes still alive I know she is! Shes just playing! Yeah! A game. A game! There's no way shes dead. No that's not possible. Its not. Shes okay. I know so! I sob "Shes alive!I-I know she is!" Billie sighs.

     "Baby. Look at me." Billie grips my chin making me look at her. She smiles softly "Mommy's right here baby. Shes gonna take care of you from now on okay?" She says softly. I look up to her and sniffle, "Okay mommy." I whisper. "Such a good girl. Now come on y/n. Ill protect you from all the bad people. How does that sound?" She says picking me up and tapping my nose. I cry and snuggle into her neck shes going to protect me? Is she? That's good then! Momma and I will be safe. Yeah safe. Safe. Safe! I yawn, "Good mommy. Thank you." I say closing my eyes. "You're welcome y/n. Mommy's really happy. We'll be happy forever."

Unwillingly Hers////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now