chapter 2

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      I woke up in a dark room with glowing red lights. I wince slightly from my throbbing head. Shit that fucking hurts. I stare around the room before i remember what happened. The bar, shooting, screaming, that girl. I quickly stand up and go to one of the 3 doors. I open it and its a closet filled with odd clothes and on the other side is girly shit. I close it and run to the door across the bed. I open it and there's a hallway. Bingo! Fuck yeah an exit!

       I step out of the room and walk to a large stair case. Damn this whole place looks like a palace. I hear talking and what im assuming is food being made. It smelled amazing and i was starving, but i gotta run Im not staying here too long. I make it to the end of the large stair case, to the right was a living room with people sitting on the couch to my left was the kitchen with someone cooking and a few sitting at the bar area. And in front of me was the door.

       I ran to the door and opened it, but as i did an alarm went off alerting everyone inside. People come rushing to the front door with guns and knives pointed at me. I start crying scared of what was gonna happen next. "Y/N L/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?!" A familiar voice yelled. I look to my left and see that girl from before. I sob harder and she stomps over to me pulling me by my ear causing me to squeal. "Sorry y'all this is my baby y/n and y/n this is the gang. So get used to them." She says as everyone nods or says hello before walking off to whatever they were doing before.

       "I should punish you for that little stunt baby, but since you don't know the rules ill let it slide." She says staring down at me making me squirm and hide my face into her chest. She laughs and picks me up placing me on her hip. "H-hey! I can walk you know!" I yelled at her. She pats my bottom, "Mommy can do what she wants babygirl. So if i wanna carry you im going to understand?" She says gripping my chin. I roll my eyes and nod. I receive a smack to my ass and i squeal. "Words baby." She says. "Yes i understand." She nods then smirks "yes what?" I frown at her "im not fucking calling you shit." She frowns at me muttering about how shes gonna put me in my place.

     We make it to the room i woke up in before. She sets me on the bed and stands in front of me. "Okay baby lets go over somethings first. One you're mine only mine. My name is Billie but you will call me mommy. Im in charge don't forget that. You will do as i tell you if you don't you'll be punished clear?" She says. I roll my eyes, "yeah whatever." Shes insane. Im not staying here in this god damn house.

      She smacks my thigh and i jump startled. "Thats not how you respond mamas. Its 'yes mommy' say it." She says. I quickly crawl to the other side of the bed because im a little bitch and laugh. "Are you crazy? You aren't my mother im not calling you shit!" I yell at her. She chuckles stepping away from the bed her eyes following my every movement.

   Slowly she starts to walk to where i am and i take small steps back. "Hmm? What's my name princess?" Her eyes gleamed with mischief a smirk on her face. I scoffed, "Obviously asshole bitch." she frowns, "A little girl like you shouldn't be using those words princess." She quickly makes her way to me as i step back. Im pressed against the wall and look down only to have my chin gripped roughly. "Ill ask one more time, what is my name?" Tears well in my eyes as i stare into her ocean blue eyes that seemed to have darkened a lot.


"Good girl."

Unwillingly Hers////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now