Random (4) (Various)

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A/N: Random drafts I've had forever and am tired of sorting through ;) *also these aren't edited so ignore spelling errors and bad plots ;)

September 16th, 1953. 3:44 PM. Lubbock High school

Vi!" Someone says from behind me. I stop walking and turn around.

"Hey! Congrats on the new relationship!" Loretta Lancing smiles.

I grin. "Hey, thanks!" I decide not to mention that Buddy and I have been seeing eachother since March, only making it offical in June.

"No problem!"

"You made the cheer team?" I ask. I think saw her at practice.

She nods. "Yeah, I'm on junior varsity, but I'm only a sophomore. I'll make Varsity next year."

I forgot that she's a year under me. "Yeah, I bet you will."

"How did you and Juliet make varsity so fast?"

I shrug. "Probably because we're twins. They told us that us being twins was 'always a bonus'. I can't say that I know why."

"Yeah! But I have a question about you and Buddy..."

I raise my eyebrows. "Okay?"

"Y'all been dating for a couple weeks?"

I shake my head. "No, we started dating in early June. A week after school ended."

"Oh. Well, why are you with HIM outta all people? You could have anyone, and you chose a music boy? You coulda been with any football player you wanted!"

I scoff. "Excuse me?"

"Well, he's a little nerdy?"

"Uh, okay? Since when was he nerdy?"

"You're a cheerleader and he's got glasses..."

"So what? I like him, he likes me. He's a kind, funny, talented guy. I'm sorry that you can't see past his glasses."

I cannot believe that people are equating his worth to a lousy pair of glasses. It's not like he can control his God damn eyesight.


"He's an amazing person, does the fact that he wears glasses really discredit that?"


"It doesn't. He's a fantastic boyfriend and I love him."

"I'm sorry..."

"You should be. Don't judge people based on their appearance." I turn on my heel and continue walking to Buddy's car.

Am I too defensive?

Was that uncalled for?

Do people actually think that?

Have people been judging us because he wears glasses?!

I never perceived him as a nerd. He never hung out with the nerds. I've always seen him as a normal guy.

I see Buddy as he puts out his cigarette and opens the passenger door for me.

I take off my backpack and climb into the car.

Buddy climbs into the drivers seat. "Doll, what's wrong?"

Well...Alright | Buddy HollyWhere stories live. Discover now