Thanksgiving (V.H)

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November 24th, 1954. 2:44 pm. The Holley Household

"So, Violet, why doesn't your family celebrate Thanksgiving?" Buddy's aunt Betty asks me.

"Oh, um, I don't really know. We just never have." I feel a blush creep up onto my cheeks. "I guess it's because we aren't American? I really don't know."

She nods and smiles. "So, what's France like?"

I tense up. "It, um, well, I, um," I can't think straight.

Buddy looks at me and puts a hand on my thigh. "She's said it was real nice." He covers for me.

"Buddy, let her speak."

"No, no it's okay it's good it's fine." I stammer. "It was nice, yeah, nice."

Larry looks at me from across the table. He shoots me a sympathetic look. He knows how hard it is for me to talk about France.

"How's Jesse, aunt Betty?" Buddy asks. I think Jesse is her horse.

"Oh! He's doin' great! He's a real beaut! Gorgeous stallion, might I say."

I look down at the table and breathe. I'm okay.

Normal chatter carries on around me. I half listen to L.O and his brother talk about the tile business.

"Well, what's everyone thankful for?" Ella asks.

Everyone goes around saying various things.

It gets to Buddy. "Well. Uh, I guess I'm thankful for everythin'. The radio show, my friends, my family, my girlfriend, and just 'bout everythin' else I have."

Everyone looks at me. "I think I'm thankful for being adopted and moving here, to Texas. And my siblings and my friends and all of you. You guys are really my family."

"Aw Violet, you're a part of us!" Ella grins. "Just get hitched already."

Buddy and I laugh and look at each other.

"That's the plan," Buddy smiles.

"Yall are so young. Is it a good idea?" Uncle Henry asks.

"Oh, Hen. Leave 'em alone. They're made for eachother!" Ella scolds. "Made for one another!"

I blush and look at Buddy. "I guess I sort of like you."

"I guess I like you too," he laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I sorta like you a whole lot!"

"How old are y'all? Eighteen?"

Buddy nods. "Yeah, she's seventeen, though."

"My birthday is in three days," I smile.

"Aw, ain't that nice," aunt Betty smiles. "Eighteen is a big deal!"

I nod. "I'm pretty excited."

"You're so sweet," aunt Betty smiles. "Glad we gotta girl like you."

I smile. I already feel like they're my family.

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