Tour (B.H)

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September 5th, 1959, 5:03 PM

"Great t'see you too, Paul!" I grin, patting Paul Anka's shoulder. "Been a while, ain't it?"

Paul smiles. "Too long, Buddy, too long,"

"You know who all else is gonna be here?" I ask. "I don't remember. I didn't seen any flyers, either,"

"You, me, Don and Phil, uh I think Bobby Darin will be around for a couple of 'em, Violet,"

I laugh. "Vi always comes,"

"Her name was on the poster this time,"

"It was?!" I ask

"Uh, yeah. It said Buddy and Violet Holly,"

I grin. "No kiddin', that's amazin'," I'm sorta surprised. She's never really been advertised straight on like that for a tour. Only in gossip magazines and fashion articles. I guess she's really making herself known. Or. Well. I guess I'm sorta making her known. Whatever. I wouldn't be here without her anyways.

"I think Ricky Nelson might be at a stop actually. I don't really remember, I've been all too busy,"

"Nah man, it's okay. I can always look for myself. Who'd you bring to accompany your background?"

"On bass I managed to snatch Leroy Branson, on lead guitar I got a fella named Tim Jameston, and rythm I got another great fella, Darnell Douglass. Other stuff I don't really know, my agency booked them. I was sorta gonna ask Vi if she minded playing drums for me, actually. It's really simple stuff, she would have any issues at all,"

"Oh, neat. I just got the same lineup from the Winter Dance Party. Vi, me, Waylon Jennings and Tommy Allsup,"

"You guys are killer,"

"I like to thank Waylon and Vi for that. They really do seem to follow ne real well on stage, it's great t'not worry 'bout that,"

"They're pretty damn good at their jobs," Paul laughs.

"You know it-"

"Buddy! Hey man! I haven't seen you in ages!" Don Everly clasps my shoulder from behind. "I've been looking forward to this,"

"Hey man!" I grin. "Heard you got married!"

"Uh huh, to my love! Kerri Everly, love that woman,"

I laugh. "Ain't that the girl you asked me 'bout a couple years back in Sacramento?"

He nods. "Yep, she's a kindergarten teacher back in Nashville. Great for me, kindergartners don't really know much about music, so they don't know who I am,"

"Well that's nice,"

After an hour or so of talking, Don checks his watch.

"Hey, I'm was gonna go get drunk with Phil and a couple others, d'yall wanna come?" Don asks Paul and I.

"No, thanks though," I reply. "I don't drink,"

"Why's that?"

"Did enough of that when I was a teenager and my stomach ulcers would kill me,"

"Fair enough. Paul?"

Paul shrugs. "Sure, why not?"

"Hey, be safe, okay? I can't carry a tour alone. Call Vi and I at the hotel if y'all need a ride,"

"What's the hotel number?"

I reach into my pocket and grab the piece of paper with the hotel address, phone number, and our room number on it. "We're in room 302, promise you'll call incase you need a ride,"

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