Christmas (V.H)

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December 25th, 1953, 7:32 pm, The Winter household

"Mom, dad, can I please go out with Buddy for a little while? I need to give him his present,"

Dad looks up from his crossword puzzle. "That's fine by me. What do you think, Bella?"

"They're 17, they can go,"

"Sure, Vi. You can go. Have a good night." Dad looks back at his puzzle.

"Thank you sir, ma'am,"

"Have a great night, sweetie. Be careful, the roads might be icy,"

I smile. "Mom, it's Texas, it doesn't usually snow,"

"Oh, you're right. Sometimes I forget,"

"I'll see you guys tomorrow morning?" I say.

Dad nods. "Yeah, see you tomorrow, Vi,"

"Make good choices!" Mom grins.

"Don't worry, I will,"

"Actually, go get ready, Vi! Are you really going to see your boyfriend with no makeup on?!" Mom exclaims.

"Mom, he doesn't care. I doubt he notices makeup,"

"Put on the new dress you got from Santa today! Oh, it looks so pretty on you!"

I smile. "Okay, I will. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get ready for my super hot Christmas date," I bound up the stairs.

I get into my room and sigh to myself. Does Buddy notice if I don't wear makeup? He's never said anything about it.

Whatever, I'll put on a little bit, just to please my mother.

I plop down at my vanity and grab my face powder and the floof. I floof my face a little bit. I fill in my eyebrows. I put on mascara.

Should I even bother with lip gloss? I mean, it'll just get all over when Buddy and I kiss.

I'm not even going to bother.

I spring up and go to my closet, taking out the new geougous dress that I just got this morning. It's pretty standard with the little collar and pinched in waist. The top part is a really pretty darker, almost blood red. It has long sleeves. The skirt part is black super soft and flowy.

I pull it on and look in the mirror. It's a little too big, but I can just throw a belt on around the waist part.

I fix my bangs in the mirror then go to the upstairs phone (which is oddly in the hallway?) And dial Buddy's number.

"Merry Christmas from the Holley House, this is Buddy,"

I giggle. "Nice new intro!"

He sighs. "Yeah, thanks. Took us years t'come up with that one,"

"I can tell! It's genius!"

"Are you ready, doll?" He asks.

"Yeah, my parents didn't even protest. Not at all. I asked and all and they just said I could go. It was weird, I thought I'd have to put up a fight,"

Buddy laughs. "They know you're in good hands with you're with me!"

I smile and roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure Buddy. Well, yeah, I'm ready."

"Great, I'll be over in a fe-"

"WAIT IS THAT VI?!" I hear Ella yell from the background.

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