Chapter 26: Stupid Stinky

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Phoenix POV

I was sitting in what was supposed to be the living room of our hotel room. It was big compared to other hotel rooms I've seen. Alice was sitting next to me on the fluffy couch while Zack sat on a chair a little behind the couch. We were just waiting for Stinky to wake up from her sleep.

While I sat there trying to read The Fault In Our Stars, I couldn't take my mind of Jasper. I worried for if he was okay, if they had managed to get James etc. I put my book down the exact moment Stinky came out of the bedroom. She looked even worse than usual. And even usual was hideous.

Her hair was sticking up in random spots, drool was drying on her chin and she had bags underneath her eyes. Stinky's skin was also a kind of yellow, like it would be if she was sick. While I described this for you, dear readers, Alice had given Stinky a towel, new clothes and directions to the bathroom so she could take a shower. She really needs that as her scent had only gotten worse since we arrived here.

"So how long are we going to sit here and act like everything is fine?" I asked while I turned towards Zack as if he had to give me an answer.

"I don't know Nix, I don't -" was all he managed to say before he was cut off by a gasp coming from Alice. Both of us turned towards her and saw her misty eyes. We sped over to her to help her through the vision. I decided against looking into her mind this time, because her visions are so confusing. Alice was in the middle of the vision when Stinky came back in, drying her hair.

"What's wrong with Alice?" Her horrifying voice rang through the room. She tried to touch Alice, but was quick to move away when Zack let out a growl at her and threw her a nasty glare. He then turned to look at me and I got up to grab a piece of paper and a pen so Alice could draw what she saw.

Alice was almost finished with the drawing of what looked like a living room when Bella pointed out where the phone would stand. All of us turned towards Stinky in confusion to how she could have known that.

"That is my mom's house. It's here in Arizona close by."

Stinky's words made us alert and Zack was already zooming around the room, packing our things in a hurry.

"Wait, I have to call my mom! I have to know that she's okay." Stinky yelled at us even though we could perfectly fine hear her. I rolled my eyes at her but still threw my phone at her so she could make the call. She just grabbed my phone and walked back into the bedroom without saying thank you... Bitch.

"We'll go and give the key cards back to the reception and get a hold of the situation. Phoenix, you stay here and watch over Bella." Alice told me as she grabbed Zack by the arm and dragged him with her out of our hotel room.

I was about to sit down again but I noticed a huge amount of fear radiating from Stinky and I decided to listen in on her conversation. My eyes widened when I realized she was talking with James on the phone. As I opened the door into the bedroom, Stinky signaled to me that I should keep quiet for now. Seriously, I wasn't even about to say anything. Stinky ended the phone call and looked over at me with lightning in her eyes.

"You are coming with me to James. And you have to be in your human form or else he will kill my mom!" Stinky growled at me and threw my phone at me. I managed to grab it and put it in my pocket before Stinky grabbed my arm and dragged me out of our hotel room and towards the elevators. She hit the button for us to go down and then we had to wait. That's when I realized something.

"What if he will kill me?" I asked her as the elevator arrived. I turned as much human as I could before getting pushed into the elevator. I kept myself from sending her my worst glare as I pushed myself up to one of the corners in the elevator.

"I don't care. If anything, you deserve to die. Hadn't it been for you attacking James, both my mother and I would have been safe. But you had to do it and now he will kill her if we don't listen to him." She spat at me as she pressed the button to the first floor.

"Sorry for saving your life, bitch!" As I uttered that sentence, I felt my head snap to the right side. I quickly understood that Stinky slapped me. I was too shocked at that that I didn't return to myself before we were already in front of the ballet studio. Stinky dragged me into the ballet studio and let go of my wrist as she started to call for her mom. I rubbed my wrist to soothe it from her harsh grip, when I felt something sharp prod at my neck as Stinky ran over to a closet on the other side of the room.

"Make any kind of noise and you're dead. I'll enjoy her, but I will love killing you." James whispered into my ear as his hand locked in place over my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping. "Now we can't have you escaping or getting help so..." Before I understood what he meant, he had grabbed my phone and kicked my leg so hard I heard a sickening crack.

After James had made sure Stinky didn't hear my scream, he dropped me on the floor like a potato sack. He stepped over me to get to Stinky and I didn't stop him. Not like I could anyway. Now I understand why humans hate breaking things. It seriously hurts!!!

I could just watch as James talked to Stinky. Why did she have to be so stupid?

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Words: 1082

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