Chapter 25: Nomads. Again

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Phoenix POV

We ended up lining up with Stinky standing between Edward and I and Zack standing next to Alice.

The three of them slowly descended from the fog and treeline of the forest. Drama queens. They were wearing the same clothes they did all those years ago. They walked in the same formation with Laurent in the middle, even though James was the leader in their coven.

James let his eyes glide over us and he came to an immediate stop once his eyes landed on me. His thin lips turned upwards in a psycho grin and his eyes got a crazy glint in them. It didn't seem like Laurent and Victoria had noticed me. Yet.

Laurent raised his right hand and in it he held the baseball we had used for our game. He threw it at Carlisle and Carlisle caught it before it hit his face.

"Thank you." Carlisle said as he let the ball fall slowly to his feet.

"We heard a game and wondered if we could join?" Laurent asked as he too noticed me now. "I'm Laurent, this is James and Victoria." He waved his hands towards them as to show who they were.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." Carlisle said, showing who we are. Kind of him to count Zack and I as his family. I don't care about Stinky, so. Before Laurent or Carlisle could say anything else, James spoke up.

"Long time no see, bronze head." He said as his eyes locked with mine.

"Like wise, Blondie." I replied through gritted teeth while glaring at him.

The Cullens and Stinky seemed to be confused at our interaction, and James seemed to notice this. He gave me a wicked grin, before turning towards the others. I looked into his mind and realized he was gonna tell them about the first time we met.

"We met each other in 1926. She belonged to a coven in Bulgaria when we met, she nearly killed me!" James exclaimed, trying to make himself look like a victim.

"You know why I did that, so don't try to act like a victim!" I snarled at him, baring my teeth at him.

"Calm down both of you. We just wanted to ask if we could join you for a quick game, so don't dig up old grudges!" Laurent spoke up, before James and I could say anything else.

"We were just about to pack as some of us has to leave right now." Carlisle said as calm and collected as always. "But I guess we can play one round as they leave." That was a signal to Eddie and I to get Stinky out of here.

Just as we turned around to walk away some wind decided to blow straight towards us, leading Stinky's scent to the nomads. Why now wind, why now???

James ran towards Stinky, but didn't get far before I grabbed his arm and used his speed to my advantage. I threw him around my body, making him slam into Victoria. He got up immediately and turned towards us and was faced with a wall of angry Cullens. I was next to Emmett and I think I freaked him out the most, cause my eyes were grey with black circling around when I got angry.

"I think it's time for you to leave!" Edward growled at all of them. Laurent and Victoria slowly backed out, but James didn't move a centimeter.

"James." Laurent hissed and finally James decided to move, his eyes locked onto Stinky as he too backed out. I decided to look into his mind to see if he would leave us alone.

His mind was extremely complex and it was now clear to me that his gift was hunting. This was gonna be hell. And if the fact that he was a hunter wasn't the worst, the fact that he was interested in Stinky and was already calculating how he was gonna get her away from us. Not happening bro.

Eddie, Alice and I ran towards were the cars were located, Stinky on Eddie's back. We reached the cars and Eddie threw Stinky in the backseat of the jeep as I got into the seat next to her. I strapped her in and Eddie raced down the road as Alice and I held onto the seats we were sitting in to not fall out. (boy)

"Edward stop the car!" Stinky yelled. I might not like her, but for once I agreed with her. My brother. My brother had to stop the jeep before I compulsed him into doing it!

'Eddie, you stop this car now or I take Bella with me to James!' I let my mind open as I glared at him.

'Fine.' I got back just as Eddie stopped the car on the side of the road.

~Time skip brought to you by Rose and Nix on spa~

After Stinky had explained her plan to us, Eddie drove us to her home then back to the Cullens house.

I was now sitting in a Mercedes S55 AMG with Stinky next to me and Zack and Alice in the front. We we're on our way to Phoenix, Arizona. How ironic...

We we're going there since it was so obvious that would be where she would be going, that James wouldn't bother to check there at all.

Stinky was wearing Esme's clothes and I was wearing Rose's. It was originally going to be opposite, but Rose  hated the idea so she switched with me instead.

We got the hotel in sight and I looked over to see Stinky snoring and drooling. I snorted, wondering how my brother could enjoy this view.

Zack parked the car, he and I got the bags and Alice took Stinky. We signed into the hotel and went up to our room. This was going to be a long day.

This is the meme of the chapter:

[Removed due to offensive content. Should have remove it earlier and I apologize to anyone who has been offended by it.]

Words: 993

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