Chapter 6: A New Friend

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I met Adrien outside the French class room.

We walked in together and got seated.

Adrien next to a girl named Angela Weber. She looked like a nice girl.

And I got next to Rosalie Lillian Hale.

I walked over and sat down next to her.

A frown found its way to her face.

It was still a little time until the class started, so I turned to face her.

"Okay look. I have done nothing to you, so stop frowning at me. I'm new and the way you act isn't exactly helping me. Don't start to judge me before you have even talked to me." I told her, my voice sounding a little harsh, but strict at the same time.

She looked shocked a little bit, before a smile spread on her face.

"Sorry. When you came in these expensive cars and the way you dressed, I thought you would be a stuck up little bitch. Looks like I was wrong. I'm Rosalie Hale." She replied in an embarrassed tone.

"It's okay Rosalie. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm Phoenix Agreste." I told her, giving her a warm smile.

"You can call me Rose. I have a feeling we are going to be good friends." She said, smiling too.

"Then you call me Nix." I said.

The class started and we went silent.

~Time skip brought to you by me being lazy~

The class had just ended and we were packing our stuff.

"What class do you have next?" Rose asked me.

"Free period." I answered.

"Me too. Two of my adoptive siblings has it too. I could introduce you to them." She suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds cool. I just need to talk to my brother first." I said.

She nodded and I walked over to Adrien, who looked down at his IPhone.

"Hey." I said

"Hey Nix. I've talked with the others and we are going to sit with Angela and her friends at lunch. Will you join us?" He asked me.

"Yeah. That's cool. I need to go, my new friend Rose is staying with me with me in my free period. Okay?" I said.

"Okay. Have fun. And what do you say if boys try to flirt with you?" He asked.

"Have you asked my 10 brothers for permission, you know the 10 boys who is now plotting your death." I stated.

"Exactly!" He said, winking at me, before walking of to Chemistry.

I shook my head, walked over to Rose and linked arms with her.

She guided me to the school library and to a table where Alice and Emmett Cullen was seated.

"Guys, this is my friend, Phoenix Agreste. Nix, this is my boyfriend Emmett and sister Alice. My twin brother Jasper isn't here now." She introduced them to me.

"Rose, did you know that Phoenix is a master at sketching?" Alice asked her sister.

"No. How do you know that?" She asked back.

"We have art together." I said.

"The teacher gave us a task to sketch something or someone that made us happy. Phoenix sketched her little sister and the teacher said it was pure talent. He told her to sketch mythical creatures for the rest of the lesson. I don't know what you sketched though." Alice explained.

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