Chapter 17: Port Angeles

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Angela asked me to come with her, Gossip Bitch and Dead Mice girl to help them find prom dresses in Port Angeles.

I agreed to come, but only to help Angela find a dress.

We were now in a dress shop.

Angela and Gossip Bitch was trying on dresses and I sat on a couch near the window with Dead Mice girl.

"Do this dress make my boobs look bigger?" Gossip Bitch asked, turning around.

Before either Bella or I could answer, a group of boys knocked on the window.

Some of them wolf whistled and three of them stared at me in a perverted way.

"That wasn't awkward at all." Gossip Bitch said with much sarcasm.

"Rather disgusting." I commented.

"Hey, I just want to check out this bookshop. So I'll just meet you at the restaurant." Dead Mice girl said, before walking out of the shop.

"I'll go with her to make sure she doesn't trip on air." I told them, before following her.

"Hey Bella! Wait up." I yelled, catching up with her.

"Phoenix, don't you have a feeling that the Cullens aren't normal. Like they aren't humans." Bella told me, looking at me.

I nodded in agreement.

We went into the bookshop and Bella found the book she looked for.

It was a book about Quileute Legends.

She is about to figure out our secret.

When we was on our way to the restaurant, we took a short cut through an alley.

I have a bad feeling about this.

In the end of the alley, some of the boys from earlier were messing around, until they saw us.

Then I heard footsteps from behind us and looked over my shoulder.

The two last boys in their group came walking up behind us.


They came at us from every side, asking if we wanted a drink.

One of them tried to touch Bella and she hit him in the face with her bag.

Suddenly a car came up and nearly hit some of the boys, and Jasper and Edward jumped out of it.

"Get in the car!" Edward growled.

Bella got in the passenger seat and I was walking towards the car, when a hand grabbed my arm.

I did a flip in the air and kicked him right in the face to make him let go of me.

I then threw some of my hair over shoulder and walked sassy over to the car and sat in the backseat.

I looked at how my brother and my mate scared the human boys away with just staring at them.

I have a feeling Jasper used his gift a little.

When they got in the car, Jasper pulled me over on his lap and buried his head in my neck.

He calmed down faster, thanks to my scent.

"Calm down. They didn't hurt me." Bella told my brother, because he drove like a maniac down the road.

"You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking." Edward spat at his mate.

"Or their disgusting lustful feelings." My mate added.

"And you do?" Bella said in disbelief.

"Not hard to guess." I said.

Bella started to curse me in her mind. Now I'm glad my brother can't read her mind.

Jasper started to kiss my neck, until he found my sweet spot.

I held in a moan and saw my brother smirk in the little mirror over the dashboard.

He started to suck, kiss and bite on this place.

I was so going to get him back for this.

I knew he came into my room every night to watch me.

Creepy, I know.

But I got a plan on how to get him back.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I saw that Edward parked between Jaspers car and Jess car.

When we stepped out of the car, I used my hair to cover up the little hickey Jasper made.

Jess and Ang started to talk to Bella about how worried they were.

I didn't listen to their conversation, until Edward and Jasper stepped out and said they were going to make sure we got something to eat.

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated any sooner. I have just have a writers block and a lot work at school so.

But I hope you like this chapter. I wanted to make Phoenix a little badass and I think I expressed it the way I wanted.

Until next time little bats


Words: 749

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