Remus and the Cupboard

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The light streamed in through the holes in the roof. Remus groaned and rolled over, but found that he wasn't in his comfortable bed in the Gryffindor dorm that he shared with his best friends. He was on the cold, hard floor of the shrieking shack. The floorboards creaked and his bones clicked as he stretched out, aching from the previous night.

He opened his eyes. All he could see was the grand piano that Sirius sometimes liked to play. He thought back to the times that Sirius had awaken him after the full moon to soft classical music. The piano was now very badly out of tune, and some of the ivory key tops were missing. It looked abandoned, like most things in the shrieking shack.

Remus pushed himself up to a sitting position. He groaned in pain as he did so. It took all of his strength, and his vision started to go hazy from the pain.

Once his vision returned, Remus looked around the room. His neck made strange sounds as he rotated his head. His bones always felt funny the day after the full moon. They had been through a lot in the past few hours. 

Remus's eyes landed on Freya. She was curled up on the bed in the corner, a dark red sheet draped over her small frame. She was facing away from Remus, and her usually soft brown hair was messy and dishevelled. He could see that her shoulders and back were bare.  

Remus looked down at his own naked body. He needed to cover himself with something before she woke up. He started to shiver. After all, it was February... And there were large holes in the roof. Remus was just glad that it wasn't raining. 

Across the room, Remus could see his clothes folded neatly in a small stack on top of a chair. He wondered if Freya had done it before falling asleep. He dragged himself across the floor on his hands and knees, and collapsed as soon as he reached his clothes.

"Remus?" He heard her ask breathily.

Remus froze, his eyes wide. 

"Don't turn around." He responded with a sense of urgency in his voice. He didn't want her to see him like this.

Remus gathered all of his strength to pull on his clothes. It took him at least twice as long as usual, and afterwards, he was exhausted and fell to the floor once again. He lay on his back on the hard floor, staring up at the patches of blue sky that he could make out through the holes in the roof.

"I'm done." He managed to croak out. His voice didn't sound like his own, it was thick and scratchy. 

He remained laying on the floor, but turned his head to look for Freya. She was sat up now, but she still had her back to him, and the red sheet draped around her shoulders. He could see that she was also putting her clothes on, shielded from view by the large sheet.

He heard footsteps approaching on the creaky wooden floor.

His friends had arrived. And from the smell of it, they had brought bacon sandwiches.


Remus and Freya became so much closer after the full moon.

They felt that they shared something, a deep connection, pulling them together, entwining their minds.

Sometimes Remus felt he could tell what she wanted to say, without any words, just from a simple glance across the table, or a knowing smile.

They met each others gaze across the Great Hall. Freya stood up and began to make her way towards the door, her eyes glistening.

Remus abruptly stood up, knocking his glass of water over.

"Oh shit!" He said, mopping up the water with his sleeve, making it all soggy.

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