Remus and Anticipation

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The days before the next full moon went rather fast, which Remus was grateful for. He had become rather excited by their plan and for once was actually looking forward to the next full moon.

Every spare moment was spent doing research, reading books and fine-tuning their plan to perfection, but Remus couldn't  help but worry, it was built into his nature.

"What if she doesn't show?" He asked one day when the four boys were sat around a large table in the library.

"Well, in that case, things go back to how they were before." James said, giving Remus a pat on the shoulder for reassurance.

But Remus couldn't accept that. He couldn't lose his only chance of finding someone like himself, of not being the only werewolf in Hogwarts. Of not being the only one who worries constantly over the phase of the shining white orb in the sky.


Remus's lone footsteps echoed down the corridor. He was lost in his own mind, his daydreams, when all of a sudden he was snapped out of them by none other than Albus Dumbledore.

"Remus, I've been meaning to speak to you." He said, in his old, wise, tone of voice.

"You have?" He asked, a little confused.

The headmaster looked down both sides of the corridor before speaking.

"I heard about what happened last time, and I know the next one is coming up in a few days so I just have one thing to say."

Remus nodded, intrigued by what he would say next.

"Don't go after the girl." He said, giving Remus a stern nod before he disappeared.

Remus was left a little confused. Why did Dumbledore not want Remus to find out who the girl was? Or did Dumbledore just not want Remus to escape in case he did any damage?

Remus didn't tell the others about what Dumbledore had said to him, but the words played over and over again in his mind up until the very day that they had all been waiting for.


Remus felt that it was the day of the full moon before he even opened his eyes. Every part of his body ached, he felt as though he had drunk rather a lot the night before, although he hadn't had a single drop of alcohol.

"Come on Moony, rise and shine!" Sirius exclaimed. Remus heard a slight clunk next to his head and knew that his friend had placed a glass of water on his bedside cabinet for him.

He slowly lifted himself up and took a sip of the water, the bright light from the dorm room burning his eyes.

He noticed that the other three boys were watching him so he turned to the mirror next to him.

His hair was disheveled from tossing and turning the entire night, his eyes were rimmed with red and sunken back into their dark sockets and his skin was unusually pale. Well, unusual meaning that it only happened once a month.

The lessons that day seemed to drag, prolonging Remus's pain. It was only when the sky started to darken that thoughts of the girl came back to mind.

Remus had been planning on looking for another ill person around the castle that day but it had totally slipped his mind. It would have been really easy to identify her today, especially with Remus's senses heightened.

The four boys were sitting on the old wooden floor of the shrieking shack, and Remus knew that he would transform any minute now. He was no longer scared of transforming. He remembered his first full moon and how terrified he had been, but that was no longer the case, all thanks to the deer, dog, and rat, which were sitting on the floor along with him.

Remus felt his skin start to convulse, he looked down and saw his body changing shape, his bones morphing, stretching, shrinking, as he cried out in pain. His vision blurred and blackened as every inch of his body changed. Fur sprouted from beneath his skin and claws extended from what was previously his hands and feet. Once it was all over, he opened his eyes, feeling alive.

He heard the howl in the distance, which sent him into a frenzy. He howled in return and bounded to the door of the shrieking shack.

He scratched and ripped and leaped at it with all his might but it would not budge. Extra charms had been put on it since last time and Remus found himself trapped. He was trapped and the outside was calling.

He howled again, as loud as he possibly could, to which he was greeted with another howl from the outside.

Moments later Remus could sense her on the other side of the door. He could smell her, hear her, and he just wanted to escape to freedom and bask in the light of the full moon.

James, Remus and Peter were filled with dread and fear all night. What if Remus ripped the door down? What if the girl found a way in?

They watched as their friend spent all his time and energy on the door but no matter how hard he tried, it did not budge.


Remus awoke by the door of the shrieking shack. He was covered in cuts and bruises, and his skin was full of splinters from clawing at the door.

He ached worse than he had ever done before and found that it was hard to move.

He groaned in pain as he felt a blanket being wrapped around him.

"Shh Moony, we'll get you up to the hospital wing now." Hushed James as the three boys tried to lift him up between them.

At the end of the tunnel, they were greeted by Madam Pomfrey and Albus Dumbledore. Remus kept his eyes closed to prolong the time until he had to face the world outside.

When he awoke hours later in the hospital wing, all he could think about was how he had failed to find out who the girl was. Again.

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