Remus And The Ravenclaw Tower

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A few days later, Remus found himself outside the Ravenclaw tower once again, but this time he was alone. He faced the eagle knocker for a moment and thought about what he was going to do. Had anyone from the other houses ever managed to get into Ravenclaw tower before? He was unsure.

He thought back to the discussion with his friends about twenty minutes ago.

"You're pretty much a Ravenclaw Moony, you're the smartest out of the lot of us. If you can't get into Ravenclaw tower, then who can?!" James had exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Go on Moony, do it for the team." Sirius had added, with a stern nod.

But now he was alone. Just him and his Gryffindor brain, prepared to take on the Ravenclaw eagle.

"Glittering points that downward thrust, sparkling spears that never rust. What am I?" Asked the eagle knocker.

Remus let out a breathy laugh. Why had he thought that this was a good idea? He had no clue what the eagle was on about!

"Could you repeat that please?" He asked politely, hoping that manners would earn him some points.

"Glittering points that downward thrust, sparkling spears that never rust. What am I?" The eagle asked once more.

Remus looked around. He had heard that if a Ravenclaw is unable to answer the riddle, they usually wait for someone else to come along, but it was unlikely that a Ravenclaw would let him into their common room. He needed to do this quickly, before anyone else came along and saw him outside the door. Remus hated to imagine the sort of trouble he could get into.

Remus thought about it. What glittered and pointed downwards like a spear, but was incapable of rusting?

"Lightning?" Remus asked, feeling a little unsure.

"It's a good answer, but not correct." Answered the eagle.

Remus sighed and paced around in front of the door.

"What about stalactites?" Remus tried.

"Have you ever seen glittering, sparkling stalactites?" Asked the eagle.

"I've never seen a stalactite full stop." Responded Remus sarcastically, but then quickly apologised.

He continued pacing. He would try once more, and then he would give up. He would never reveal to Freya that he was not smart enough to get into the Ravenclaw common room. That would be embarrassing.

Then it dawned on Remus.

"Ooh I know! Icicles! They point downwards, and sparkle in the sun, and are not capable of rusting." Remus responded, rushing towards the door.

The eagle did not respond, but the door slowly swung open. He had done it! He had outsmarted the Ravenclaw eagle! Remus felt elated. A huge grin broke out on his face, and butterflies filled his stomach.

Remus ventured inside, feeling very proud of himself. He looked up in awe and shock. Remus had heard descriptions of the Ravenclaw tower, but had never been in there before.

The Ravenclaw common room was a large, circular room, and one of the airiest rooms in Hogwarts. Large arched windows lined the walls, letting in lots of light, and the walls were draped in beautiful blue and bronze silks.

Remus stood frozen as he took in the scene. This had to be the most beautiful common room in Hogwarts. He had not seen the Slytherin or Hufflepuff common rooms, but he could not imagine that they could be this grand or impressive. 

The common room was vast. It had tables and chairs in the Ravenclaw colours, and even its own library.

Remus looked up and noticed the large domed ceiling, midnight blue and scattered with stars. The ceiling reminded Remus of the globe which he had given to Freya. He closed his eyes and reminisced about their time on top of the astronomy tower, before remembering that he had to move quickly. He couldn't get caught in here. He looked around once more.

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