Remus and the Wolf

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The other marauders watched as Remus's screams began to turn to howls, as his bones snapped and reformed themselves, and as his skin morphed into fur.

The transition was almost complete, and the worst part of the day for Remus was nearly over.

The three boys watched as Remus's eyes began to change colour, and as he became less human and more wolf.

He howled, and James gave the other two boys a familiar nod. It was time for them to change too, only their transitions took moments, and were not filled with pain like Remus's.

James's form grew, he doubled over onto all fours and large antlers sprung from his head.

Sirius shrank, fur pouring out of every hair follicle, and his nose growing into a point.

Peter shrank even further, his form hunching over, and a long tail sprouting from behind him.

The three boys, now in animal form, looked at each other, and then their attention turned to Remus, who was now completely in wolf form. 

His fur was the same dark brown colour as his hair, but that was the only resemblance he held to his usual self. His teeth were sharp and glistening through the darkness. His eyes were a bright amber, the orbs glowing through the shadows.

Earlier that day they had agreed that Remus would be able to run free tonight. He had felt so aware today. And he knew from the past that when he was aware during the day, he was usually aware during the transition, and they all agreed that they could do with a night out in the woods. They hadn't had one in a while.

Remus bounded down the old wooden staircase of the shrieking shack, followed by his friends in their animagi forms, the stag, the dog and the rat.

As Remus ran out into the moonlight, he couldn't help but lift his face up to the sky and howl at the moon, the noise echoing for miles around them.

Moments later, Remus heard another creature howl at the moon. This was what he had been waiting for.

Adrenaline surged through his veins as he took a deep breath, hunting out the other wolf. Seconds later he caught the scent, and began bounding through the forest, searching for the other wolf.

James gave Sirius and Peter a knowing nod, before they all began running after him, Peter struggling to keep up due to his small size. 

James stopped for a moment and lowered his antlers to the ground. Peter scurried up, reaching James's head, and then running down his neck and onto his back, before James and Sirius continued following their friend through the dark canopy.

It was difficult for them to see where Remus had gone. They were in total darkness apart from the odd patch of moonlight beaming through the gaps in the trees.

Sirius lifted his nose to the air and caught onto Remus's scent. He could smell the other wolf too. They were both close.

Sirius took off running through the trees with James close behind. Sirius knew where they would be before they even got there.

Seconds later, he reached the edge of the clearing.

The moonlight shone so brightly down into the clearing that it almost seemed like daylight. Sirius watched as Remus met with the other wolf. They both stopped to sniff at each other, before the other wolf rolled over onto it's back, showing Remus that it would not be a threat.

Sirius smiled to himself before looking up at James and Peter, who were also watching the pair.

They were happy for Remus. Since coming to Hogwarts, Remus had never really been alone in his transformations as he had his friends, but this was different. Remus had found someone else like him.

Sirius, James and Peter returned to the shrieking shack before they turned back into their human forms. They knew that Remus would be safe and that he would be better off alone with the other wolf.

They all agreed that they would go and find him in the morning, with blankets and strong coffee at the ready.

Meanwhile, Remus was having the time of his life. He and the other wolf ran through the trees, enjoying the power and strength that the full moon gave them. 

Remus would never be able to run this far or this fast in his human form. For once he actually saw the positives of being a werewolf. Up until now, he had always considered it a curse.

They came across a large lake, taking deep sips from the cold water before spotting a flock of bats and chasing after them, jumping up at them every so often even though they knew that they would never be able to catch them.

After hours of fun under the moonlight, the pair returned to the clearing.

Remus found a soft patch of grass and lay down, resting his head on a pile of leaves. He looked up at the other wolf, who lay a few feet away. 

Remus got up and made his way over to the other wolf, settling down next to it. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

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