Remus and Snivellus

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The first week of June was a time of bustling energy and anticipation with the end of exam season, and the school year, in sight. The castle's enchanted corridors echoed with the excited chatter of students, and the air was abuzz with the prospect of summer holidays. As the sun bathed the ancient castle in warm light, the grounds came alive with vibrant colours, and the Black Lake sparkled invitingly.

Remus, James, Peter and Sirius sat by the lake. A few students had rolled up their trousers and were splashing around at the edge of the lake. The four boys sat in silence, soaking up the sunlight.

James's skilled fingers flickered as he released and recaptured a stolen golden snitch, his Quidditch reflexes on full display. Nearby, Remus sat cross-legged, his nose buried in a well-worn textbook. His brow furrowed in concentration as he reviewed potion ingredients, a studious contrast to the mischief unfolding around him.

Sirius, with his long hair ruffled by the gentle breeze, leaned back on his palms and grinned mischievously at Peter Pettigrew.

"Honestly, Wormtail, how did you manage to fuck up that question about werewolves? It's like you've never met Remus here." He playfully nudged Remus, who looked up from his book with an amused grin. Peter's cheeks reddened, and he mumbled a defence that was drowned out by Sirius's hearty laughter.

Resting his chin on his palm, Sirius let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I'm so bored. Pranking Snivellus loses its appeal when he's not even around to see the look on his greasy face." Just as he finished complaining, James's hazel eyes lit up. He nodded his head discreetly towards the castle's entrance, where Severus Snape had just emerged. The Slytherin's signature sneer was in full effect as he strode across the grounds, his black robes billowing dramatically behind him.

"Speak of the devil." James muttered, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

James nudged Remus, who raised an eyebrow but couldn't hide a small smile. Sirius's boredom vanished in an instant as they exchanged knowing glances. Remus rolled his eyes. He really didn't feel like drama today. The scene had been so peaceful, and he still had revision to do.

As James's mischievous mood took hold, he couldn't resist the temptation to provoke Severus Snape.

"Hey, Snivellus! Looking as gloomy as ever, I see!" James called out in a boisterous voice that cut through the serene ambiance.

Severus's dark eyes flickered with a mixture of anger and indignation, his hand instinctively reaching for his wand. But before he could react, James's wand was already in motion.

"Expelliarmus!" James shouted, his voice resonating with a spell that soared toward Severus, quickly disarming him. The crowd that had begun to gather watched with a mix of amusement and anticipation, whispers passing through the onlookers like a ripple through water.

Severus stumbled back from the force of the spell, his wand clattering to the ground. James wasn't finished. A wicked grin tugged at his lips as he pointed his wand once more.

"Impedimenta!" he shouted. The Impediment Jinx struck Severus, a burst of magic hitting him square in the chest. Time seemed to slow as Severus's feet tangled and his balance faltered. Gravity took over, and Severus tumbled to the ground in an undignified heap. The gathered students erupted into a mixture of laughter and gasps, the sight of the usually composed Severus Snape sprawled on the ground both shocking and amusing. Severus's face turned a shade of red that rivalled Gryffindor's scarlet banners as he struggled to regain his composure.

While some students exchanged amused glances, others exchanged concerned ones. Remus exchanged a quick glance with Sirius, their amusement masked by an awareness of the situation's escalating nature. James, fuelled by adrenaline and a desire to assert dominance, stood over Severus with an air of triumph. The tension in the air was palpable as the confrontation unfolded, the sun-dappled grounds serving as an unlikely backdrop to scene unfolding.

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