Broken | 17

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At this point I'm just attaching random songs lol. Give it a listen though! ^^ :D


Friday had flown by and before I knew it, Saturday had arrived. I finally gathered up enough self-motivation to get my ass out of bed, though it was already almost 12 PM...

I rolled over and fell to the floor, not realizing how close to the edge of my bed I was.

"Ow," I grunted, wiping the dirt off my face. "Fuckin' floor," I grumbled to myself as I pulled myself off the ground, shaking my messy hair out of my eyes.

I stumbled to the bathroom, stubbing my toe on the corner of my desk.

"Ow, fuck!" I yelled, hopping on one foot and holding my poor toe.

I grumbled some other profanities under my breath and made it to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

I stripped down and grabbed a towel, setting it on the counter for when I got out of the shower, then turned the water on so it would heat up.

Once the water was warm I stepped in the shower, letting it dampen my hair and massage my stiff back. Once I'd washed my hair and body I got out of the shower, towel drying my hair.

After I dried my hair I wrapped the towel around my waist, walking back into my bedroom. I let the towel fall to the floor, then began getting dressed.

I got out some clean boxers and random clothes, quickly changing into them. Once I had clean clothes on I got some socks, then slipped on some Vans.

I grabbed my phone off the charger after I was fully dressed, checking my notifications. Most of them were from Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat, but I ignored them for the time being and checked my text messages.

I saw Grayson's contact as one of the people who had texted me and clicked on the message, curious as to what he'd said.

~Grayson~ Are u going to Crystal's party tonight?

~Hunter~ Idk, r u?

After a moment he texted me back, saying;

~Grayson~ Most likely. all my friends are gong

~Hunter~ Gong?

~Grayson~ shut up I meant going

~Hunter~ haha u dumb

~Grayson~ F u

~Hunter~ That's kinda gay bro

~Grayson~ Lord 🤦‍♂️

~Hunter~ Hehe ;)

I clicked off the messages and smiled slightly. Grayson was a lot better over texts then at school when he ignored me.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and headed back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I quickly brushed my teeth, then ran a hand through my damp hair and deemed myself presentable.

Once I was ready I jogged downstairs, seeing Aunt Tammy making some sort of food.

"Mmm smells good," I sniffed the air, smelling french fries.

"Yep, burgers for lunch today." She said, frying some burgers on a mini grill.

I felt my mouth watering, suddenly realizing just how hungry I actually was. I grabbed a couple of plates and set them on the table, along with some silverware.

Once the food was ready Aunt Tammy made our plates, then we sat down and ate our lunch, talking about random and unimportant things.

That was until she brought up my therapy sessions.

"So I got a call from Mrs. Jackson." Aunt Tammy said, setting her fork down to the side of her plate.

"My therapist?" I questioned, avoiding eye contact. "What was it about?"

"She said you had a bit of an episode at her office. Is everything alright Hunter?" She asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. She just said something that touched a nerve," I said, which was the truth. She had pissed me off when she'd mentioned my mother.

"Okay, but do you like her? She said that you said some pretty harsh things, I just wanna make sure you're comfortable with her." She replied, staring at me and waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, she's alright. I don't think there's anyone that could make me actually enjoy therapy, but she's decent I guess," Aunt Tammy nodded her head, continuing to eat her food.

I still didn't understand why she was eating her burger with a fork, but I mean, you do you...

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out, seeing Grayson's contact pop up. A smile formed on my face as I clicked on the text.

~Grayson~ Do u want me to pick u up for the party? i figure u don't know where Crystal lives so...

~Hunter~ Yeah I live a couple houses down from the coffee shop that u work at. i'll be standing outside so you'll know when u see me

~Grayson~ ok, see u then

~Hunter~ K

Once I sent that last text I shoved my phone back in my pocket, continuing to eat my burger. Let's just say, Aunt Tammy was a beast at cooking.

Once I'd finished the food I put my plate in the sink, quickly washing it, then heading back upstairs to find something to do until the party later.

I eventually got my ass up and sat down at my computer, opening up my laptop and seeing the last tab I had open pop up.

Well, it wasn't very family friendly PG clean and I quickly closed the tab, my good Christian eyes now scarred for life.

"Goddamn, I should really stop watching so much gay porn." I sighed, facepalming myself.

Once I exed out of any gay porn that I'd had open I loaded up Twitter, getting so bored that I had to go see what was going on in other people's lives.

After a while, I got bored with that too, so I turned to texting one of my old friends, Jack.

~Hunter~ i'm bored so i'm gonna bug u now

~Jack~ hey Hunter, how's ur new school?

~Hunter~ Eh could be better, but u know...

~Jack~ did u get a new therapist?

~Hunter~ yeah man she's a bitch

~Jack~ Ew that sucks

~Hunter~ yeah but she's got a really hot son

~Jack~ man sometimes I forget how gay u are 😂🤦‍♂️

~Hunter~ Dude I'm literally the gayest person u will ever meet

~Jack~ true...

"Hunter, come downstairs, there's someone here to see you!" Aunt Tammy yelled, causing me to raise my head in confusion.

I quickly texted Jack and said that I had to go, then headed downstairs to see what Aunt Tammy was talking about.

"Who's her-" I looked up and saw none other than Grayson, standing in the doorway of our house. "What're you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, I figured maybe we could hang out today." He said. "If you're cool with that," He quickly added, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Alright," I sighed. "Let's go then."


Once again, this is basically a filler chapter, but it should get pretty spicy soon ;) If u liked the chapter then make sure to vote and comment ❤️🙌🏻

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