Broken | 2

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"Fancy seeing you here." I said with a small smirk.

"Oh god, you again?"

"I'm not that bad." I snickered. "You just need a sense of humor."

"I have a sense of humor. You're just an asshole."

"I'm depressed and cold blooded. What can I say?" I smirked, looking at my fingernails as if I had better places to be.

"Alright, whatever. What do you want?" He asked, pressing a button on the register.

"A mocha frappuccino with whipped cream so I can get white-girl wasted."

He grumbled something to himself and pressed a button on the register.

"That'll be $3.75."

I nodded and took my wallet out, handing him a 5 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I said with a lopsided smile.

"Thanks." He mumbled and began making my drink. I smiled slightly and took a seat, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I got on Snapchat and waited for him to bring me my drink so I could take a selfie.

"Hurry up, peasant. I want my drink sometime today." I called, seeing him grab a sharpie.

"What's your name?" He asked, taking the cap off of the marker.


He nodded his head and wrote it on the cup, then brought it to me. He set it on the table and went back behind the counter, leaning on the bar while texting someone.

I grabbed the cup and read it, seeing my name spelled wrong. This dude deadass spelled Hunter with two t's.

"How the hell did you spell Hunter wrong? That's like the world's easiest name to spell and you fucked it up." I sighed, shaking my head in annoyance.

I held the cup up and took a selfie, a fake smile adorning my face. In the background I could see the boy flipping the camera off, but at least he looked hot in the pic.

I posted the picture on Instagram with the caption, 'anyone know his @?'

After a few minutes someone commented his username and I went to follow him, making sure he knew it was me.

"So your name's Grayson?" I pondered aloud, not taking my eyes off my phone.

"How the hell do you know my—you followed my Instagram?" He sighed, sounding hopeless. "Can I not catch a break with you?"

"Guess not." I said with lopsided grin.

"Jesus, did you have to go and post that photo? I look like shit." He sighed, probably mentally facepalming himself.

"I thought you looked pretty hot myself." I shrugged, hearting pictures on my feed.

I turned around just in time to see him blush but he quickly hid his face, probably embarrassed.

"Please don't hit on me..."

"I didn't say I wanted to sleep with you, I just said you're hot. Big difference, buddy." I chuckled, taking a long sip of my drink. "Don't flatter yourself." I added, licking the whipped cream off of my face since I didn't use my straw.

"Whatever.." He grumbled, leaning on the counter moodily.

I snickered to myself and took a few more sips of my drink, finishing it off.

"Alright, nice meeting you, oh what's your face. Done forgot your name again, sorry." I said, standing up from the table I'd been sitting at.

"It's Grayson."

"Right, right. Grayson, Grayson. Got it, should stick in my head now. Nice meeting ya'. I guess I'll see you around."

"Hopefully not." He murmured to himself, but I still heard him.

"I'll make sure to visit everyday, just so hopefully I run into you and ruin your day." I smiled, throwing my empty cup in the trash and grabbing my phone.

"Bye, have a shitty day." I exclaimed with a wave.

He grumbled something under his breath along the lines of 'fuck you too' and waved at me, not a very friendly wave though, more like him flashing me his middle finger.

I skipped out of the café and back towards my house, seeing the sun beginning to set. I checked the time and saw that it was about 6:50, so I still had a little time to kill before I had to be home.

I saw a small park near the café and headed over there, sitting down on a small bench. I watched as a bird began chirping at another bird, probably talking in their little language about how sexy I am.

I smiled to myself, thinking about how much of a sexy beast I am. Although I am pretty hot, Grayson takes a close second. Damnnnn that boy is fineeeee. I mean, no homo but hot damn he's hot.

I saw a small pond with some ducks in it, and oh my god ducks are so ducking cute! Ha, see what I did there? I love puns..

I stood up and walked towards the pond, looking at the variety of ducks swimming around. They were pretty cute, with their long little beaks and little feathers.

I continued staring at the ducks for a moment and heard someone come up from behind me. I visibly tensed up as if ready for a fight but saw none other than Grayson, who was smiling slightly at me..

"Do you like ducks?" He asked, standing on my right.

"Yeah, they're cute as hell. I used to have some before my parents kicked me out and sent me here."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Why'd you get kicked out? Are they homophobic or somethin'?"

"Nah, they couldn't deal with my suicidal shit so they pawned me off on my aunt." I sighed, the shitty memories coming back.

I could still remember the look on my parents' face when they saw me in that hospital bed, machines all around me, the only things keeping me stable. They thought I was asleep, so I knew what they we gonna do before they even did it.


"Oh Hal, what are we gonna do? This is the third time he's done it! I can't keep putting up with this." Mom sighed, blowing her nose on a tissue.

"Maybe your sister can take care of him until he turns 18.. She's always been real well with kids." Dad whispered, sniffling slightly.

"Okay, I'll give her a call in the morning." Mom murmured. "Oh, he's waking up. Nurse!"


I shook the thoughts out of my head, trying to get them to go away permanently.

"It doesn't matter anymore. The past is the past." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I should probably get going. I'll see you around Grayson." I said with a small wave.

Then I turned and left towards my house, not looking back.


Here's the second chapter! Honestly I really like Hunter, his personality is just great, I love his sense of humor cause he's just so relatable. Tell me if you liked the chapter in the comments and don't forget to vote! <3

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