Broken | 15

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Kind of obsessed with this song atm, make sure to check it out. ^^ Love my boys 💕

Also Isaiah's lookalike is above ^^


I'd gone almost the entire day without talking to anyone. It was already Friday, and last period was slowly coming to an end. I was taking a creative writing course, which meant that almost no one I knew was in that class.


Dylan sat behind me, making fun of the teacher with a couple of his buddies. I was a bit surprised that the teacher hadn't gotten onto him yet. He wasn't exactly being quiet.

If anything, he was being louder than everyone else. It was getting on my nerves, but I wasn't a snitch, so I didn't tell the teacher about it. And I didn't really feel like losing one of my four friends because I felt like being a snitch.

After a while of sitting there and being bored, I heard the teacher say something that caught my attention.

"Alright class, we're going to be working on a group project." The teacher clapped her hands together, looking far too excited about this.

Everyone groaned, including me. I hated group projects because I always got stuck doing all the work.

"Now I will be picking your partners-" The class cut her off with another loud groan, which earned a glare from the teacher.

"Quit being so disrespectful! It's just an assignment!" She screeched, grabbing multiple work packets and beginning to pass them out. Well, more like slamming them down on everyone's desks.

I could already tell that she was gonna be a bitch all year...

Once everyone had a paper she went back up to the front of the room with a list of names.

"Okay, Jackson, you're with Caleb and Sierra."

I continued to listen to her call out names until I heard her say my name.

"Hunter, you're with Dylan and Isaiah." I internally groaned. Once everybody's name had been called we all moved seats to sit with our partners, which meant that I just had to move my desk back with Dylan and Isaiah's.

"Alright, what're we writing about? I was busy taking a nap." Isaiah yawned, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"It says that we need to 'Pick a storyline, add onto it and make it our own.'" I read off the packet, flipping through the pages.

"Well first we should pick a storyline I guess..." Dylan took the papers from my hand and began reading over the different topics we were allowed to pick. We began jotting down ideas that we could use, then we finally decided on one.

"Alright, this'll work. How should we start it?" I pondered, mindlessly tapping my finger against my desk.

"I dunno, just make it good. I need to get my grade up in this stupid class." Isaiah said, taking a sip of his Gatorade.

I rolled my eyes, figuring that he wasn't even gonna try on this assignment. How could Dylan be friends with this guy? He just seemed a kinda like a dick from what I'd seen so far.

Although I should've probably liked him them, I do like the D...

I snickered at my own thought, earning an odd look from both Isaiah and Dylan. We continued working on the writing assignment and eventually the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day.

I hopped out of my seat and shoved my paper in my backpack, then headed out the door. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, seeing Dylan standing behind me.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to work on that project? I know you probably don't want Zai to come over, but he wasn't really helping anyway, so..." He trailed off, tugging at the strap of his book bag.

"Yeah, sounds good. But beware, my aunt's a bit of a bitch." I ruffled my hair, heading to my locker to put my books away.

"Eh, my mom's that way, too. Won't be the first bitch I've ever met."

I snickered, putting my books away. Once I'd grabbed my phone and finished putting my books in my locker I headed out to the parking lot.

Dylan said he would follow me in his car so I went ahead and headed over to my own car, sliding into the driver's seat.

I started my car and pulled out of the parking lot, seeing Dylan following closely behind me. After a small drive I eventually pulled into the driveway of my house, putting my car in park.

Dylan pulled in behind me, stepping out of his car after a moment. I stepped out of my car as well and we headed inside, both of us slipping our shoes off and heading upstairs to my room.

Once we were in my room we both tossed our bags on the floor, then I flopped down on my bed, taking my phone out of my pocket.

"Is this your version of working on a writing assignment?" Dylan snickered, sitting down at my desk.

"Yep. I'm getting inspiration from my Instagram feed." I mumbled, scrolling through my phone mindlessly.

"Well, are we gonna get started or can I just log onto your computer and go crazy?" He asked, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I wouldn't do that. You might get scarred by seeing the gay side of PornHub that I forgot to x out of." I didn't even realize what I was saying or who I was talking to, I was just stating what was on my mind.

But apparently Dylan thought what that the things I had on my mind was pretty funny.

"Well, thanks for that information. I guess I'll just get the paper out of your backpack." I heard him stand up and grab my bag, shuffling though it until he found our creative writing assignment.

Once I got a little self-motivation I sat my lazy ass up, helping Dylan on the project. We eventually got an entire page of the rough draft done, which was a little better than nothing.

We worked until around 5 o'clock, when Aunt Tammy called us down for dinner. We both stood up eagerly, having worked up an appetite from doing homework for so long.

We both sat down at the table where Aunt Tammy had set out 3 plates of food, then she sat down and began eating, making small talk with the two of us.

After we finished eating we both helped Aunt Tammy clean the kitchen, then we headed back up to my room. I let out a yawn, stretching out on my bed.

"You look tired." Dylan commented, gesturing to myself all sprawled out on my bed, eyes closed and ready to take a long ass nap.

"I am." I yawned again, scratching my head and pushing my hair out of my eyes. "We should go get some coffee." I added, sitting up and shaking my hair out of my eyes, most likely having some serious bed head now.

"Sounds good to me." Dylan shrugged, standing up and opening the door to my bedroom. I got up as well and followed him downstairs, then we headed out the front door, making our way towards the coffee shop.


Sowwy, this chapter is basically filler and the update is probably hella late but I needed to publish something. Hopefully this story will go somewhere soon, it's boring rn but hopefully it'll get better lol. Thx for reading, vote and comment! ❤️

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